F / 47 / 5'1" (119 --> 111) 4 months progress


New member
I wanted to share my progress to remind my fellow shorties that change takes time, but if you're consistent change does happen! It can seem like not much is happening week-to-week when the weight loss is so slow. Hang in there, keep at it, and use something in addition to the scale to mark your progress (pictures and measurements work for me!).

I started working out consistently in late April using workouts through Beachbody. I started with 21 Day Fix, moved on to 4 Weeks of The Prep, and just completed 6 Weeks of The Work. These workouts were challenging!! I have a desk job, so I also tried to get outside for a 30-minute walk most days of the week. On days I don't walk, I only log 3,000-4,000 steps, so trying to fit in extra movement is important for me (especially in this 47-year-old body!)

I've eaten a meat-free diet since 2010 and went vegan in 2015. Since I took this desk job two years ago, I've had a hard time keeping my weight at a place where I feel good in my skin. In early June, I started eating according to the principle of low-calorie density where I eat foods that are all less than 700 calories per pound (veggies, fruits, whole grains, beans/legumes). When I made this change, I cut out bread, pre-made veggie burgers, plant-based meats, processed foods, Kind bars, Larabars, oils, and nut butters. I eat large quantities of food, lots of carbs, and don't have to bother with counting calories! A typical day of eating: breakfast is rolled oats with fruit, ground flaxseed, and almond milk; lunch is a huge salad dressed with a serving of hummus and balsamic vinegar along with two air-fried potatoes; dinner might be a bean chili with a side of steamed veggies or brown rice mixed with homemade cauliflower bisque soup. I snack on grapes, apples, and nectarines. I do drink alcohol but have cut my consumption down to 2-3 drinks/week. I'm not perfect and I do stray from the above diet sometimes, but I currently feel so good that it's not hard for me to get back on track.

I hope this information helps someone out there! Stay consistent and focus on taking good care of yourself on this journey.

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