Fat is a d**k, need advise


New member
Hi, I am 18, 128 pounds, 5.9 feet (58.5 kg for 1.8m).
I regulary do workout at home since last year in order to gain muscle and get rid of fat. But I have mental problems and social difficulties which make I do sport at home only and sometimes spend two weeks without doing a single pushup and eating like two. But even with that i was able to reach an acceptable state of fat percentage, but I would want to decrease a little more because even if I have a low weight, almost all of my fat is condensed on my abs and my low back and I find it very ugly. Is there a way for me to get rid of this despite of my personnal troubles ? And if it wasn't already enough I try to eat less meat, I am not veggie but I try never to eat more than 50g of meat every one or two days. Thanks in advance for advises and sorry if my english isn't perfect, I am not english. I wanted to put a photo for you to assess, but I don't know how to put a photo and a text.

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