fat loss help


New member
hi :) F, 25 y/o 153cm and around 50 kg.

i have a petite frame, but i feel like i have significantly more fat than muscles. i feel like no matter what i try to do, there's no progress. i tried lifting 2-3 a week while increasing protein for like a year, but ni felt no progress. i also cant consume big amounts of food and i opt for 5 small meals a day, and i find that i get sick if i eat a lot of protein during the day. i was wondering if anyone has any tips, maybe meal ideas? anything would help me at this point :)
@mrss Were you implementing progressive overload when lifting? This basically means increasing the intensity over time, such as heavier weights, more reps, etc. Did you keep track of your lifts to know how much you lifted the week before so that you could lift heavier the next week? Also I think a lot of people benefit from lifting at least 4x a week. 😊