Feedback for Lifting Program


New member
Edited to reflect changes

I'm looking for some more experienced folks to help me temper the program that I've been cooking up! I'm looking to address some weakness and imbalances that have come up, chiefly in my knees (arthritis), lower back (old injury), delts, and triceps. I've been making progress following online trainers, but the weak points/points not being targeted are become pretty apparent now. I don't have the means to hit the gym (not even Planet Fitness) at the moment, don't like the dumbbell programs on any of the wikis, and I have a dumbbell set from 5-25lbs. (it's sufficient for the moment). My goal is to continue to gain muscle without gaining weight (that's not from fat/muscle exchange), as well as increase flexibility and mobility. I have tried really hard to balance my program and done a ton of research, so I appreciate any feedback that I can get! TIA!

Added: I understand that everyone says, "The Wiki!" like the little Toy Story aliens. I respect the resource, but that doesn't mean that I have to use it. I've been fascinated by body building since I was a kid and part of my fitness journey is learning how to manage my nutrition and exercise on my own. I love reading the sites, blogs, watch videos, read the wikis... and then try to do it myself. I prefer the enrichment, if only to say that I can do it!

  • 5'3", 216-220lbs (depends on the week), AFAB, presently on HRT (20mg daily testosterone, transdermal)
  • 1,850 calories/day, split 1,762 weekdays, 2069 weekends
    • 158g protein
    • 181g carbs
    • 50g fat

Added: This will be a six week program, just to test drive whether or not I have half an idea of what I'm doing!

Day One: Cardio Upper/Abs

Day Two: Upper/Abs Cardio

Day Three: Lower/Abs

Day Four: Mobility (Pilates/Yoga)

Day Five: Rest* Full Body

Day Six: Rest* Cardio

(Added) Day Seven: Rest

Upper Day


• Chest Press

• Chest Fly

• Crossover

• Pushups


• Single Arm Bent Over Row, L

• Single Arm Bent Over Row, R

• Pullovers

Raise & Pull Farmer's Carry


(Note: Delt dominant to build lagging delts)

• Arnold Press

Butterflies Rear Delt Fly

• Front Raise

• Lateral Raise


• Zottman Curl

• Concentration Curl, L

• Concentration Curl, R

• Hammer Curl


(Note: Single arm focus to address left-side imbalance)

• Kickback, L Skull Crushers

• Kickback, R Tricep Dips

• Crossbody, L

• Crossbody, R


(Note: Avoiding curls because of carpel’s tunnel in both wrists)

• Wrist Rotation

• Farmer’s Carry


• Plank Standing Side Oblique Crunch, L

• Side Dip, L Standing Side Oblique Crunch, L

• Side Dip, R Dead Bugs, L

• Russian Twist Dead Bugs, R

Lower Day


• Goblet Squat

• Back Squat

• Sumo Squat

• Step Ups



• Russian Swings (Added: They're kettlebell swings)

• Good Mornings

• Sumo Deadlift


• Calf Raises

• Calf Raise Pulses

• Plie Raise

• TA Raises


Added: I want to keep the Bulgarian Split Squat here because it's helpful for increasing my knee's stability and strength. I was getting into them and my knees felt a lot better! Getting sick put me back and I'd like to integrate the movement again.

• Glute Bridge

• Elevated Hip Thrust

• Bulgarian, L

• Bulgarian, R


Bicycle Switches Bird Dogs

• Side Plank, L

• Side Plank, R

Hollow Knights (Hold) Roll Ups

Everything is going to be done pyramid, high to low weight, low to high reps.

Added: I just want to try this format because I can. I also tend to hurt myself by doing too much, too fast, so I want to see if this helps with pacing. I'll be adding reps as the weeks progress, with the goal being to haul around the heaviest weight at max reps (12) by the end of the program. Right now, I can't use my heaviest weight beyond 6 reps.

Forearms only have the two exercises because the Zottman and hammer curls are going to take care of forearms too. What's there is to address a bad grip (carpel's tunnel in both wrists) and add lacking mobility.
My goal is to continue to gain muscle without gaining weight

That's all gonna come down to diet. From looking at a TDEE calculator, you're likely in a 300-500 calorie a day deficit. I would say keep this at at least a 500 calorie a day deficit to lose 1lb a week, though you could afford to lose more.

As an overweight beginner, you will be able to build some muscle while in a calorie deficit. And being on test would likely also help with this. But getting the weight off will help with mobility, your knees (and doubly so if you work on eating a much healthier diet to help some of the arthritis), and will take some pressure off your back which could help the remnants of your back injury. Basically... all positives. So yes, you should be lifting, but weight loss should absolutely be your priority.

don't like the dumbbell programs on any of the wikis, and I have a dumbbell set from 5-25lbs

What about the programs don't you like?

Cus i'm no master at creating programs, I leave that to people who are vastly more experienced than me, but you have a LOT of exercises in your list. Like why are you doing 3 kinds of squats on the same day? And for everything... What kind of rep ranges are you doing there? What's your plan of progression?

Also, 2 days a week lifting, split into upper/lower is NOT enough volume. I would say do a 3x a week full body routine instead. Lift like Mon/Wed/Friday. Obviously, you can't do everything that's on your list of exercises as that would take you an ungodly amount of time and would ultimately be junk volume.

Have you considered looking at other routines (not just dumbbell ones) and then just doing dumbbell versions of all the exercises?

Also, you're gonna want some heavier weight for lower body work either now or very soon.

Lastly, for cardio, make sure you're doing low impact cardio! And your rest days should absolutely always be active recovery days. You should try to at least go for a daily walk.
@dinafrancis Thank you for pointing out the volume issues! As well, thank you for putting my frequency and weight into perspective. For the former, I'm very much learning how to push myself further than I think I can go. For the latter, I actually started my whole journey just walking five miles a day! I got into resistance training and dropped off of walking entirely (which was annihilating the weight), kinda hyperfixated on it. The little tap upside the head was very helpful to see that I've lost a critical tool.
@spaceycabbage Apologies in advance for any formatting issues here.


• Chest Press

• Chest Fly

• Crossover

• Pushups

Fine, if chest press is DB bench.


• Single Arm Bent Over Row, L

• Single Arm Bent Over Row, R

• Pullovers

• Raise & Pull
  1. Would be better with pull ups and barbell rows.
  2. What the fuck are "raise & pulls"?

(Note: Delt dominant to build lagging delts)

• Arnold Press

• Butterflies

• Front Raise

• Lateral Raise
  1. Arnold press doesn't do anything better than a normal overhead press.
  2. What are butterflies? Rear delt flys?

• Zottman Curl

• Concentration Curl, L

• Concentration Curl, R

• Hammer Curl

What the fuck is a zottman curl?


(Note: Single arm focus to address left-side imbalance)

• Kickback, L

• Kickback, R

• Crossbody, L

• Crossbody, R

Kickbacks with cables or dumbbells? Only one of those isn't a waste of time.


(Note: Avoiding curls because of carpel’s tunnel in both wrists)

• Wrist Rotation

• Farmer’s Carry

Waste of time


• Plank

• Side Dip, L

• Side Dip, R

• Russian Twist

Fine, don't know what side dips are.


• Goblet Squat

• Back Squat

• Sumo Squat

• Step Ups

3 variations of a squat followed by something far less effective than an actual squat. Why? If you can do back squats properly goblet squats are a waste of time if you're trying to grow your legs.



• Russian Swings

• Good Mornings

• Sumo Deadlift

Sumo deadlift is a pointless variation if you're trying to target your hamstrings. Don't know what Russian swings are but if they're anything like a kettlebell swing they'll be fine.


• Calf Raises

• Calf Raise Pulses

• Plie Raise

• TA Raises

Why 4 variations of the same thing? Your calves aren't that complicated.


• Glute Bridge

• Elevated Hip Thrust

• Bulgarian, L

• Bulgarian, R

How are you doing all this after all the squat and deadlift variations you have?


• Bicycle Switches

• Side Plank, L

• Side Plank, R

• Hollow Knights (Hold)

No idea what bicycle switches or hollow knights are.

Everything is going to be done pyramid, high to low weight, low to high reps


don't like the dumbbell programs on any of the wikis,

Why do you think what you have here is any better than any of those?
@dawn16 Thank you for the qualitative feedback! I'll be taking this into account as I finesse my plan.

Arnold press doesn't do anything better than a normal overhead press.

I have shoulder instability that Arnold presses are working out. As well, they target the delts better than the overhead press, a muscle group that needs attention for me.

Kickbacks with cables or dumbbells? Only one of those isn't a waste of time.

As I said, I don't have access to a gym and have dumbbells.

Why do you think what you have here is any better than any of those?

If I thought that my program was without flaw, I wouldn't be asking for feedback on it. I prefer the enrichment of learning over piggybacking off another's work and, too often, I just see folks echoing, "Wiki" over and over again. I respect the resource, but that doesn't mean that I have to use it.
they target the delts better than the overhead press

No they don't.


Kickbacks with dumbbells are useless. Do skullcrushers instead.

I prefer the enrichment of learning over piggybacking off another's work and, too often, I just see folks echoing, "Wiki" over and over

Because the programs found on the wiki are written by experienced people and are proven to work. Typically if you need to ask if your own program is any good it isn't. If you were knowledgeable and experienced enough to create your own program you would know what a good one needs and wouldn't need to ask.
@dawn16 Thank you for a thoughtful response on the kickbacks in this reply! I'll gladly add the skull crushers instead.

As for the wikis, the people who wrote them had to learn, which is exactly what I'm trying to do. Despite your forwardness, you've given me a lot of qualitative feedback that's already made what I want to do better. I respect and understand your viewpoint, but I won't continue to argue over a difference in opinion. I'm on my journey to have fun and learn, not just pick things up and put them down.