Feedback on my routine? A/B 3 times a week full body progressive movements


New member
I am coming off of daily volume of basic movements and wanted to switch back to a more progressive based program. Its a 3 day a week, full body done A/B style.

Weighted Dips 3x8
Weighted 1 leg Squat progression 3x8
Kb clean 3x8
Weighted chin 2x10

Handstand push up progression 3x8
Front lever row progression 3x8
Nordic curl progression 3x8
Weighted dips 2x10

My goals are to get back up to:
-heavy dips and pull ups.
-back to straddle front lever pulls
-get deficit handstand push ups
- not necessarily have huge legs but athletic legs.

-I enjoy the kb cleans but will struggle to keep jumping up in weight. I have various KBs and dumbbells that I can link together.

Number of sets a week depending on the week:

Push: 11-13
Pull: 7- 8
Legs: 12
Power cleans: 3-6

Is this balanced enough or have any feedback?
@andraus As a quick feedback, you should place the exercise you want to progress faster on at the beginning of the session. Maybe move the chins to be at the start of B, so you can also start with dips in A. Handstand is a lot about skill too, so take that into account.

Do you have an asynchronous training schedule? Like one week do you do A B A, and then B A B? It is a bit odd, you should keep the same exercise 2x a week consistently imo. And then after a few weeks rotate that
@andraus I think you'd be better off doing them all together in 1 session, 3x a week. Dips, handstand push-ups, weighted pullups, FL rows, single leg squat, KB cleans. Start w 2 sets of everything and build up to 3.

Mainly since repeating certain movements is very important for strength and the way you set it up most of these movements are only getting hit 1-2x a week. Would be like, 6x in 4 weeks, versus 9x in 4 weeks.
@john0733 Taking a look at volume and known time availability I think I’m going to switch this to twice a week splitting up upper and legs and increase the sets to 4 of each.

That way in your example in 4 weeks I get 8 sets. It should allow me to go hard and recover well enough.