Feedback on Powerlifting Routine


New member

I'd like to ask for some feedback on my powerlifting routine. I'm an intermediate weightlifter who's just restarting my lifting after a long break. I have four days a week to dedicate to lifting, and I'd like to make sure I hit all of my major muscle groups each week. At the same time, I want to focus on the big three lifts (my goal is to eventually start competing).

I need my routine to be simple, and not much longer than it is now. I also want to have the same exercises each week, as I just don't have the time to learn a new exercise every time I go to the gym.

What do you all think? Do you have any ideas for how I could improve my routine?
@onlyawele I had the same issue of squats and dead lifts on the same day being absolutely brutal to work on both at the same time. I also moved dead lifts to back day.

I think your volume is pretty low, I wouldn't be concerned about recovery except maybe the back squat into bent over rows the next day. I assume you're going:

Lift, lift, rest, lift, lift, rest, rest, repeat.

Doing each exercise once a week might not be good enough, though you are going heavy and will require way more rest. I would try and feel this out as you progress. You might feel your bench is stalling but you're way more than recovered each week, for example. But I could see you needing a full week if this starts getting really heavy. Kind of depends where you are at in your journey.

Other than that, I might add face pulls or some sort of rear delt fly. This will help you bench if you have stronger rear delts. Rear delt fly with dumbbells is probably what I would add. Not super necessary, but I think it might help.
@onlyawele It looks like you are doing back exercises 3 days in a row? Rows on day 2, heavy back day 3, and then lat pulldowns day 4?

Seems like you are not giving enough rest for back? Maybe you know something I don't though.
@onlyawele My first split was

Chest and triceps
Back and biceps
Shoulders and legs

My issue was doing deadlifts on back day and then doing squats the next day, was killing myself there. Also shoulders and legs is a long day.

So I broke into a 4 day split

Chest and triceps
Back and biceps
@carolvdmerwe The problem I have with those splits is always grouping deadlifts. I want to center around the big three, but it feels like Deadlifts are both a leg and back exercise