Fill-In or Critique my Beginner Full-Body Routine?


New member
I started working out about a month ago. Been slowly adding new exercises based on whether I like them and whether they increase the range of body parts I want to be hitting. My goal is general fitness (i.e. I eventually want to be able to do and enjoy doing push-ups!). I usually get to the gym about 4-5 days a week (which I know is a bit more catered to split days, but it's hard for me to divide and conquer, mentally at this point I'm just happy to commit to one routine).

In order of operations:
  1. Run (15-20 Mins, 2-2.5 Miles): my favorite thing to do, gets me going to the gym, and it gets my heart pumping for the rest of the routine.
  2. Bicep Curls (3x 15-12-10 Reps): hit biceps, currently 17.5 lbs.
  3. Overhead Tricep Extensions (3x 15 Reps): to hit triceps, currently 20 lbs.
  4. Lat Raises (3x 15 Reps): to hit my shoulders, currently doing 10 lbs.
  5. Leg-Up Crunches (3x 30 Reps): hit my abs.
  6. Single-Arm Bent Over Rows (3x 15 Reps, Both Arms): hit back/shoulders, 20 lbs.
  7. Plank (however many seconds I can last): I hate doing it, but it gives me that 'yeah i just worked out baby!' feeling at the end. I believe it hits primarily the back and abs. Currently lasting only 30-40 seconds.
Any suggested workouts to improve the range of spots I am hitting my body? Any general muscle group I am missing or possibly not digging into enough?

I would appreciate any and all feedback!