[FORM CHECK] (Cross post from r/fitness.) Please can you help me ...desperate to squat injury free !


New member
I've had various knee injuries and have tried strengthening my weak left glute, playing with stance, high bar, low bar and watched nearly every video on form. I tend to turn my left toe out more and have my left foot slightly forward when not concentrating but I'm so frustrated. I'm wondering if one leg is longer than the other or some other physiological imbalance because I' desperate to carry on squatting and remain injury free. Any tips on how to better my form or things to try so that I can continue on my path to getting stronger ? Apologies for bad video but train at home in a v small room ! Many thanks !
@rnenow67 You may play a little with your stance, widening it a little bit more to see if it helps, improve your hip and ankle mobility, etc...

But perhaps, if you have recently had injures, you should skip back squats for a time and let things heal. Exercises to try: Front squats (probably you'll have the same problem but who knows), unilateral squats (try to avoid your knee going further away than your toes), lunges (same advice), or even leg press and/or extensions if combined with RDL or DL. While squatting is a very important movement and part of almost every serious program, you can always find alternatives until you can return to it pain-free.