Full body 3 day workout critique please. I want to focus on the big 4 workouts


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Full body routine critique.

3 day per week. M/W/F. And you rotate from A1, B1, A2, B2

  • Barbell Bench Press | 5x5
  • Dumbbell Incline Bench Press | 3x5
  • Dumbbell Arnold Press | 5x5
  • Barbell Squat | 3x5
  • Cable Seated Row | 3x8
  • Dumbbell Bicep Curl | 3x12
  • Cable Rope Triceps Pushdown | 3x12
  • Barbell Deadlift | 5x5
  • Barbell Push Press | 5x5
  • Machine Fly | 5x5
  • Seated Leg Curl | 3x8
  • EZ Bar Curl | 3x12
  • Machine Assisted Dip | 3x12
  • Barbell Squat | 5x5
  • Barbell Front Squat | 3x5
  • Barbell Bench Press | 3x5
  • Machine Assisted Pull Up | 5x5
  • Cable Rope Face Pull | 3x8
  • Dumbbell Bicep Curl | 3x12
  • Cable Rope Triceps Pushdown | 3x12
  • Barbell Push Press | 5x5
  • Barbell Deadlift | 3x5
  • Leg Press | 5x5
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise | 3x12
  • EZ Bar Curl | 3x12
  • Machine Fly | 3x8
  • Machine Assisted Dip | 3x12
I wanted a 3 day full body routine with focus on the big 4 (bench, deadlift, squat and OHP). I want to hit all body parts (Chest, back, leg, shoulder, bicep and triceps) everyday. I was wondering if you'd replace any particular exercise.