Genuine question (Beginner)


New member
Hi! I recently made a resolution wherein I will start to commit working out this 2024. Although I already started "warming-up" last december of 2023, I wanted to be serious this time. But as a starter, I have a question. Is it necessary to focus on "specific muscles" routine schedule per day? E.g Monday is Chest day, Tuesday is Back, etc. and does that go on for a couple of months? (Like, for the first 3 months, Mondays are ONLY for chest days), or is it okay to rotate? Because up until now, I'm using an app to help me workout at home (like a starter before I hit up the gym), and the exercises that the app uses changes each day e.g. Monday is chest, thursday is chest, next monday are abs, then Thursday are legs etc, sometimes they are combined as well like Abs and Chest are the same day, then the next day is Chest and Arms.

I'm getting concerned that I might regret not sticking up to one schedule in the future because of what I see on the internet and their routines. Any thoughts on this one?
@mitchelle Consistency is key, however do a bro split is NOT necessary. You need to ask yourself how many days a week can I realistically and sustainably workout? Then you want to make sure that you pick workout ‘routines’ that allow you to hit all your muscles an appropriate number of times. What’s appropriate, well that depends on your goals; do you want to lose weight, get stronger or build muscle mass?

When I started working out I did 3 days a week that combined upper and lower body workouts in one 45 minute routine, as I progressed and decided I wanted to build more muscle I went to a 5 day cycle bro split. And most recently I decided 4 days a week was better for me. Start with a goal in mind, then search for workouts that fit that goal.