Getting Back into Shape


New member
Hey everyone! So I’m just getting back into working out again. I took about 6 months off, and have been on again off again for 2-3 years since COVID. In college, I was in great shape but I got lazy and got a job and found it hard to find motivation to get into the gym (as I’m sure most do).

I have my own weights at home (adjustable dumbbells) but I’d like to lose some of this fat off my body. Im 5’8 and 180 right now, but I was 5’8 and 155 when I was in my best shape. This was like 5 years ago and obviously I can’t expect to be there instantly.

My question is: what has everyone done to lose weight in a decent amount of time? I’d like to get back down to 160 but maintain my muscle mass I have now. I think I’m right around 20% BF and I’d like to get back down to 10% within 3-4 months.

I appreciate any ideas on nutritional plans or workout ideas that any of you may have 😊

Best of luck to all of you!
@zailan3 I didn't set unrealistic goals, but I was able to shed 32 pounds in about 4.5 months. Some was water weight, but I shed a lot of fat as well.

I was counting calories, maintaining 500 to 700 deficit (depending on how much exercise that day) below my TDEE and was lifting weights 6 times a week. Maintained 160 or more grams of protein every day. The weight fell off, stalled a couple times, then fell off more. I was able to gain muscle and recomp a bit. Once I hit 160 pounds, I stopped counting and continued lifting 6 days a week. About a month later of maintaining, i am at around 158 pounds. I'm pretty lean, but I want to wait until summer ends to bulk up. Staying lean for the summer
@skilletgirlepic Congrats! That’s good to hear that someone was able to do it! I used to lift 5 days a week, twice a day and run 15 minutes afterwards lol… I used to be a cross country runner myself so it was easy to do. But I can’t run more than 3 miles now without being winded 😆