
New member
Just started working out again after 2 years, I went from roughly 170 to 280 during covid and didn’t have much time to work out due to my job. I just recently got time to start working out again and have been hitting the gym everyday after work for the past week. My routine consists of:

3 mile run with the H.I.I.T technique
4 reps of 10 lat pull down
3 reps of 4 reverse fly
4 reps of 10 dumbbell shoulder press
Crunches till failure

Is there anything I can change to be more efficient? I do have access to a gym

6’2” endomorph
I am changing my diet to eliminate carbs and sugar. I’ve stopped drinking beer, switched to a fish and chicken diet with lots of greens and smoothies.
@ckaf - here you can find some recommend gym workouts for beginners. I would suggest to do some barbell focused programs for 3-4 times a week and 2-4 times cardio. For cardio even things like walking on inclined treadmill is enough to burn calories and doesn’t cause as much fatigue as HIIT. Since you have significant body fat it’s possible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time with moderate diet and a proper lifting routine.

For diet, it’s good to cut added sugar and minimise preprocessed foods. However it’s not recommended to cut carbs completely, foods such as potatoes, rice and oats have good carbs for energy during lifting while also being relatively filling. Generally the goal should be to reduce total kcal, which can come from both carb and fat, while eating sufficient protein to build and recover muscle. - this is a very comprehensive guide on nutrition if you are interested to learn more, it’s quite long but it’s worth to bookmark and revisit a few times.
@ckaf My advice is start hitting the big compounds. Those will give you the most effect for your effort. Though the lat pulldown and reverse fly are quality exercises. You need more press work and squats, etc.
@unikue Started doing chest presses, rear delt, peck fly aswell as the lat pull down and reverse fly. Is there any exercise you’d recommend?
@ckaf Barbell bench press. Barbell standing overhead press. Barbell back squat. Bent over barbell row.

Big compound barbell exercises. All the ones you are doing are good but they are very isolated. These exercises listed will grow you.

Of course you can still do smaller exercises but these ones are the best. Other exercises I recommend. Barbell Romanian deadlift, barbell curls, incline dumbbell curls, leg curls, machine leg press, lunges, pull ups, chin ups, dumbbell side lateral raises, incline dumbbell bench press.

I could go on and on with exercises. But include the first few I listed will really help you out.