Giant Interrupted


New member
66 y.o m in good health. I was an early adapter of kbs (active on early DD forum, IGx, attended Mike Mahler and Steve Cotter seminars), got out of it but walked, rowed, and did resistance band regularly.

I got back to the bells this year. Completed DFW and the Wolf with 16's. I'll finish the Giant 1.0 with 20's this week. I plan to roll into 1.1.

I have minor surgery scheduled about 7 weeks out that will require a two to three week break from "vigorous " exercise. I won't be able to finish 1.2 and I'm not sure what my reset point should be. Open to ideas. Thanks.
@yaki I don't want to skip saying that I feel happy for you. 66 years old and banging those reps. I wish my fam would listen to me when I say lift some heavy shit to be happier, to be more healthy, to be more able.

Anyhow, I'm proud of you pal. Keep banging that shit.
@juancarlos Thanks for the reply. I should have made clear that this is a functional blepharoplasty to increase peripheral vision and relieve eye irritation. No rehab will be involved. The two to three weeks proscription on lifting was part of his general rundown.
@yaki I'd try to get more information from the doc- they frequently leave out the 'good' parts. For instance, is the prohibition because lifting could increase blood pressure and pop the eye? or is it general don't be too active advice, just because? Is it local anesthetic? I'd assume so. General can actually take a few weeks to get out of your system completely.