Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?


New member
Does anyone take these and if so what is your experience?

I've been reading quite a bit about them, watching various doctors on Youtube talking about them, reading various studies, etc... TO the point where I have bought some and I am going to try them out.

A brief synopsis:

" In published human trials we reported that GlyNAC supplementation has the potential to reverse premature aging and improve muscle strength, exercise capacity, insulin resistance, cognition, blood pressure, body composition and quality of life.",51%2C52%2C53%5D.
@fez in healthy people it increases liver and muscle amino acid content. in cell cultures it activates mTORc1 and inhibits AMPk, sort of like creatine.

It raises things like proline/arginine in tissue and inhibits proteolysis, seemingly pretty on line with any growth inducing agent on planet earth.

seems legit to me. i take low doses year round and high doses during fasts, i feel stronger and better. seems legit. (i have asthma btw so that could be why)
@kimmyk401 Minimal effects

Ask yourself, is my daily nutrition actually good? Could it be better, how is my sleep hygiene? Am I training with sufficient stimulus in the gym? Am I doing all the above consistently?
@kimmyk401 Then you are doing pretty much everything to maximise your gains. Supplements like these won't make much (if any difference).

If you are not seeing the results you want then either you are not doing the above, or you just have to give it more time
@jennywilliam So you've tried them both? If not how do you know? Have you been a part of a study?

I'm asking if anyone has tried them.

By the way... What exactly is "sleep hygiene?"
@kimmyk401 I work at one of the top sports science universities in the world (well up until 2 weeks ago at least), and have been a part of numerous studies over the years. Several of my friends work in the nutrition field, it is the general consensus that we pretty much know everything that will have a major effect. Any new supplements will give minimal effects compared to what I listed above.

Sleep hygiene is the things you do to ensure good sleep
@kimmyk401 I've been around long enough to see countless supplements and substances with convincing mechanistic data and animal studies etc, only to see them fall away - ending up either worthless or actually harmful.

So I cannot get too excited about NAC either just yet. Here is a story saying it increases early tumor growth: - god knows if there is anything to that but that is point really.
@dawn16 Thanks for posting that. I'll have to read that study too.

Curious what people thought about creatine when it first came to everyone's attention?
@kimmyk401 That one really is a way back in time. As I remember it, and I could be mis-remembering - it became popular in the early 90s and already seemed to have a solid body of evidence that it worked plus very few concerns that it was at all dangerous. So I remember it being popular and widely accepted as early as it came to my notice but then I think has a much longer history than that. And it seems to have stood the test of time.

There must be another creatine out there - works and harmless. Maybe NAC is it. Who really knows?
@heyanne Thanks for posting that. I read most of that thread as part of my own research before buying some. One thing I came away from that thread thinking was, "Damn some of those people are taking huge dosages of the stuff!"

I'm starting out at only 600mg each.

The main reason I'm trying it is to increase my Glutathione production. My understanding is that Glutathione production can drastically decrease as we age and is one of the hallmarks of the aging process. As a 62 year old bodybuilder I want to see what I can do to reverse that within reason.

The Glycine came in yesterday. I took one 600mg capsule last night after dinner and before bed and slept way better than taking Melatonin. When you get older like me getting a good nights sleep is more difficult, so that's a big plus already.