Got A Dexa scan and was surprised by results


New member
49M 6’4” 316 lbs. starting weight 346 lowest weight 303 lbs

So got a DEXA scan. Results surprised me. 22.8% BF with 241 lbs of lean muscle mass. BMR is 2740.

Doc went over images with me and suggested I shoot for 275 lbs (I was originally thinking 250 lbs) as a goal and try to drop 30 lbs of fat and 10 lbs of muscle. (Drop muscle???)

So I am not happy with my upper body strength so don’t really want to lose muscle there. I have tree trunk legs (with bad knees). So I was thinking of trying to do mostly Peloton Spin classes for cardio and back off on leg weights. But then still try to do some upper body stuff and stick with goblet squats/bw lunges for leg work.
Obviously fat loss is mostly diet and I have been doing CICO with some success (until holidays and back to back illnesses hit fam trying to get back in track). Setting calorie level around 2200 based off updated info from Dexa.

But does this sound reasonable at all?
Trying to control where muscle loss if any occurs?? (
Then maybe buying jeans would be easier haha)
@lucy97 Oh wow! Thanks so much! I will talk to my doctor!! Just a note, I have an injured knee & rotator cuff, so I’ve been doing some gentle yoga. I highly recommend it, and it is tougher than it seems.

Also, use an App that automatically tracks your macros, and that could help. I was shocked by the difference that was in my head from when I actually kept track of it. Good luck this year!🍀
@dawn16 I have been using lose it but I have a tough time with hitting that 40% protein number doctor recommended. That comes out to 217 grams of protein and I am allergic to milk protein so that eliminates whey protein.
I had tried P90X in the past and it had yoga. Didnt love it although I could probably use the flexibility….
@lucy97 LOL! Oh well, thought it might help! I love riding a bike, but abhor stationary bikes! A friend keeps trying to get me to take a spin class, but I’m not into it!
@lucy97 Not to get off topic, but you found out all of that info from a DEXA scan? (Your percent bf, lean muscle mass, etc) Isn’t that to check for bone loss? Sorry, but I’m scheduled for one as part of my regular annual check-up since I’m getting older. (56F) or did you ask for something specific?
@dawn16 The newer software can also do other stuff. It also dis my hone density. Which was good. The bf etc was not covered by insurance. But it was only 80$