Gym beginner


New member
So I am gonna be 19 in few days, my height is 182, weight 74. I’ve never done gym before or any kinda sports even max push ups I can do is I paid 5 month membership for Gym. I am completely new to it. And it have been 3-4 days I’ve been doing. So past 2 days I started with machines like chest, shoulder, back , muscles and legs. I do like 3 sets for each. But for muscles my arms just die and can’t do more so I do like 2k r half sets. And I don’t know if I am doing good or not. And I have a coach too he tells me. What to do and all but I need advice from you guys. What I’m doing is fine or not. And I’m think to give 1 or 2 days rest in a week.
@quirkycanuck For a beginner, machines are perfect. You can play with the weights without too much worry.

My advice to beginners is not to be shy. everyone is there to work out. Watch some of the more experienced guys and see what they do and get a routine going. Ask questions if you see someone doing something you are interested in.

Also, Google and your tube can be a great resource!
@quirkycanuck To keep it short and sweet, unless youre with your coach, get some noise cancelling headphones first. Pick a muscle group for that day (chest, back, that type of thing) and just kinda... start doing shit. When in doubt, drop the weight. The first long while should be focused on getting it done RIGHT with proper form, whether you can do 5 pounds or 500 pounds, if its done wrong youre more likely to get hurt. Id definitely recommend looking up some common beginner routines or specific exercises for certain groups
@quirkycanuck I have a book by Readers digest that says machines make you stronger for the next machine, weights make you stronger for real life. I'd say look up the physical requirements and exercises for the military and use that as your workout routine. Military members are in shale, they do push ups, pulls ups, runs, so do their routine. You can Doo push up from your knees too. If your trainer is not helping, get rid of him. Good luck
@pmcr63 Machines are a very useful tool when used in addition to real weights. They are called isolation movements. The big lifts with weights are called compound movements. Compound movements work multiple muscle groups at a time; squats work your back and core as well as legs for example. Isolation movements work just a single muscle. A good gym day for me would be starting with the big compounds and then finish that specific muscle group with some isolation movements on the machines. In short, machines are great and not just for the next machine.
@quirkycanuck No gym near me unfortunately. Closest I’ve got to a coach is YouTube. I watch Dr Mike for help with technique as a lot of what he does focuses on that. He promotes learning good form on weights before using machines in the beginning because that will help you the most later on. Like others have said compound exercises are best but can use machines if looking at specific muscles. Here is a video I recommend for new people to help avoid mistakes.

Keep up the great effort and good luck.

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