Gym for 1.5 years, no results. What am I doing wrong?


New member
I've been going 5x a week for a year and a half lifting weights and jogging, no results - trying to gain muscular mass.

My routine :
-Run 2,5 km to the gym, then also jog same distance back home

-5x/week, very, very few exceptions of 3-4x times/week

-Sometimes after waking up, not eating much before it

-Other times 3-5 hours after lunch, and eating dinner 1-2 hours after

-Training with Freeletics app, mostly weight-lifting, bar or dumbbells, just a few bodyweight exercises, no machines, just bench and weights and mat

-3 or 4 blocks of 1-2 exercises of 4-6 series each, augmenting weights as much as I can

-Used to drink shakes after, but stopped that

I'm 37m, now about 72kg / 158 lbs, 5'9" or 10". Not sure of my BF% but should be around 20% or a bit more. Skeleton is thin.

Seriously I don't see any change, right now I feel skinny but not without fat, no bigger muscle, except arms maybe and only slightly, but that's it...?

When I was 20 I worked out too and people were telling its obvious I was working put. Remember my sessions lasted almost 2 hours with 8-10 sets, not taking shakes but eating a lot more. Still had the same amount of fat though.

Edit : seriously thank you all very much for all this feedback, I read you all up to 4 hours after posting, was definitely worth it, I just started a doc and now have several things to try out/experiment with/amend!
@adviceplease After all that time, it may be time indeed to try something else indeed, thanks for this resource.

For everyone's info, though, it was not my goal but during the pandemic the app really made me lose weight with 100% bodyweight training (and jogging on my own), down to what I was weighting at 14 lol. Also had a way better mood. Gyms were closed and I had no equipment at all. I'd recommend it for fat loss.
@truth76 Weight loss is all about caloric intake.

I would strongly encourage you to bulk and run a better program if you want to gain muscle.
@truth76 Stop doing all that cardio, too. Just try to build. You're sending competing signals to your body on how to adapt, and you're doing so much volume that your body can't adequately repair and recover.
@kerryhodgkinson Will definitely cut on cardio yes, reading everyone's feedback. Which is good news, got a bit sick of the same run everytime and I'll have more time for other things.
@adviceplease Also, in an ideal world I'd gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, not sure that's even possible. The thing is if I lose fat without getting bigger muscular mass I look creepy, because of my body shape. So I wouldn't lose fat before getting more muscular mass.
@truth76 Losing fat and building muscle at the same time is absolutely possible, and it's called recomposition. I've done it, and I'm certainly nothing special. It's easier the fatter you are, and the leaner you get, like below 15%bf, it gets tougher. If he's lean, but still above 12-15%, he should absolutely be going for recomp.
@truth76 ULTIMATE BULK BUDDY DONT CARE FOR THE FAT ITS FUEL. When you'll have enough gains start cutting with a good calorie deficit. Keeping your metabolism active. Its easier to manage than doing a lean bulk.
@truth76 No mention of diet, while not using shakes is definitely an option you'll need to get extra protein from other sources.

Can't build extra muscle without extra resources (calories).
@miyuki It's because I never tracked macros but I believe to have a good diet, I always cook, rarely eat out, no fast food and don't eat pre-made stuff (well, not regularly, except occasional snacks).

I eat vegan half the time so prots are sometimes harder to get (hence the shake before).

No dairy at all (allergy, get calcium from soy milk with prots in it). Don't eat beef, no eggs either, no seafood except tuna.

I do drink alcohol (4-7 pints a week maybe). It could definitely eat a bit more fruits and vegetables.

I snack between meals occasionally, sweet/processed things sometimes.

But as for the amount of calories and maintenance... Yeah, I don't know that yet.
@truth76 Healthy diet =/= muscle building.

I have no doubt that you're probably overall very healthy based on your diet, but you need extra if you want to build muscle. I'm sure there are some good vegan options, just need some more protein.
@truth76 You can definitely build muscle as a vegan but youre intake needs to increase. I'd add in a whole other meal to the day and extra snacks.
You should drink a protein shake after working out. I think your other post says you don't do that anymore. Maybe I misread it.

Take a deep breath and ask yourself what can you try differently because what you're doing isn't working. What are your practical next steps? Do a little dance and shake it off and don't let it get you down, you've got this! : )
@mattyb0621 Correct I don't drink shakes anymore but considering everyone's feedback and yours I should get back to it as it looks like it'd help a lot.

Yes well I just wrote everyone's suggestions in a doc so I got like 20 things to try/amend lol, that's great!
@truth76 I wake up early, drink electrolytes then a protein shake. Workout, drink another protein shake, overnight oats mixed with protein powder. Protein (meat)for a snack, protein (meat) for lunch. Get home, workout, protein (meat) for dinner. Some veggies for filler.

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