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Can anyone help me figure out what I should do to lose weight? I’ve tried “eating right” and working out, but nothing seems to work. Is there a plan somewhere that actually works? (23m, 6’4”, & 280lbs)
@katie_hannah Yes. The way to lose weight is to you lose more calories than you bring in. Eat vegetables a lot, reduce red meat intake, and workout every single day. It doesn't have to be a long workout, even 45min should do it, if you're doing it properly. Do cardio at least twice a week. Make a plan, and stick to it. Be consistent. Start slow and then keep increasing and picking the exercises that work for you. Some are well known to work great. Don't pick the easy ones. There are no shortcuts. Hard work works!
@dawn16 Usually did cardio for 20min, curls, squats, bench press, some abs, and then cool down of walking. I did it over the summer for 2-4 months, but I’m doing it sparingly now because of graduate school
@katie_hannah No sodas or sugary drinks, no fast food, try to eat chicken, tuna, salmon, less pasta, more rice but even more green veggies.

This would be an extreme change that would make you lose weight pretty quickly if you stick to a caloric intake of clean food like this and workout efficiently for 3 months you would see big changes.

Try to calculate your desired caloric range with a calculator and you should set your goal to about - 500 than your maintenance.

For workout I'd suggest doing mostly compound moves and following a Push/pull/legs, these are high intensity workouts that target a lot of muscles at once, do 2 weeks low weights high reps(14-18) and 2 weeks heavy weights low rep(6-10.
@katie_hannah Remember just because you can lift max weight doesn’t mean you should. Try lower weight and more reps or sets. I took up swimming because I couldn’t run long enough. I also lowered my max weight and did more sets 4-5 and went slower on each curl or press. Try to limit your intake of certain foods. Stuff that slows the metabolism over fast burning foods. You have to find your balance. It took me going swimming and then added some weight training at home plus some non-weight types of things like planks. You’re young so get it controlled before you’re trying to figure it out when you’re in your 40’s :)
@chels12 It's doable, it's harder but your body can feed off of your body fat better when you starve it a bit and 800 less than maintenance isn't too rough. I recall a common bro diet for cuts which was just spinach egg whites and chicken you'd eat about 1.2kcals and meet your protein intake
@chels12 Depends on what you eat. 800 calories of veggies and carbs? Yes dangerously low. 800 calories of bloody steak, raw cheese, raw milk, veggies? Dangerously NUTRITIOUS lol
@brandonm27 Can I plug numbers for my projected weight that I want to get down to to get a lower BMR and then multiply it by the numbers they provide to get a daily caloric intake that’s Lower and thus lose weight?
@katie_hannah Try weight watchers freestyle. It's a balanced plan and worked wonders for both my husband and I. It also helps you track your workouts, so the better the workout, the more points you earn back and can indulge occasionally so you don't feel like you're giving everything up. My husband is 6'2 and weighed ~283 when he started. He now weighs 230 and was able to lose that weight in a 6 month span. On Freestyle, you can also have as much chicken breast, vegetables, and fruit as you want to feel full.
@katie_hannah Back in the days I just had to stop eating more than 3 times a day and not too much, stopped drinking soda and did just cardio such as jumping jacks and basics daily it helped pretty well.