Has anyone lost > 3 inches off their waist in under 3.5 months?


New member
TLDR: If you’ve lost 3-4 inches off your waist in a few months, I’d love to hear from you and how you did it

Hi all! My wedding is in August and I’ve been scrambling to get my weight in check. I’ve been working with a trainer 3x per week + walking zone 2 cardio one hour a day every day + hot yoga 3-4 days a week! My diet is ok. Intermittent fasting with ~1400-1600 cal per day and aiming for fibre 25g and protein 135g per day. Trying to eat whole foods (with the exception of Quest chips, which keep me sane). I’m relatively curvy naturally and want to maintain my current waist:hip ratio 0.7, so I’m looking to lose 3-4 inches from my waist and 5-6 inches from the hips.

Height: 157cm (5’2”)

CW: 166
GW: don’t care, as long as I’m back into the normal weight BMI (about 30 pounds away)

Waist: 30.5 inches (- 1 inch in the past 3 weeks)
Goal by mid-August: 26-27 inches

Hips: 43.5 (- 1.5 inches in the past 3 weeks)
Goal by mid-August: 37.5-38.5 inches

I really need to meet this goal as I’ve bought my dress a size smaller than I am right now. Any recommendations are welcomed. Thanks in advance!!

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