Help! I’m f, 37, 5’8 , 150 lbs and while losing weight I’m just now jiggly everywhere


New member
I’d love to tighten. I’d also love to have an understanding about why I’m so jiggly. I eat mostly clean and mostly stay in ketosis because I thought that was the best way to lose fat and not muscle when losing weight. It’s only been a month and an 11 lb loss but I’m freaking out.
@beverlync Keto is great for an easy way to lose weight but the initial weight loss is almost always mostly water as when you cut carbs your body doesn’t hold as much water. As you cut calories it becomes more and more important to hit your protein targets and to keep resistance training to at least maintain your muscle mass.

Personally I would eat at maintenance and find a good weight training program. You may notice the scale doesn’t move much but you will be slowly recompositioning fat into muscle. Muscle is smaller and heavier than fat so you may not lose a lot of weight but you may see everything sort of tone up as you add muscle and lose fat. The other option is bulk then cut to really add muscle first but most woman pass out at the sight of the word bulk.
Personally I would eat at maintenance and find a good weight training program. You may notice the scale doesn’t move much but you will be slowly recompositioning fat into muscle. Muscle is smaller and heavier than fat so you may not lose a lot of weight but you may see everything sort of tone up as you add muscle and lose fat.

This is it ^
@beverlync Also, another reason why you’re suddenly more jiggly than before is because the fat cells in the subcutaneous layer of your body fat as sort of deflated of the actual compound that makes up fat. Imagine a water balloon that used to be full of water and tight, but is now only half full. It will feel a lot squishier and jigglier.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that even when you reach or even surpass your goal weight and have toned up with more muscle mass, you’re still gonna have places on your body that jiggle. Muscle is still soft when not flexing. Your thighs, your glutes, and your triceps will all still jiggle when relaxed, and even a minimal amount of body fat in those areas is gonna amplify that effect. That’s just how humans are made.