Help, I need a starting routine


New member
I just got a PF membership and I'm just looking for a routine that'll just get me started off right, and then once I'm comfortable I'll branch off n do my own routine n shit. To start, im skinny and I just want to be stronger in all areas of my body, so i want to cover everything. and it would be cool if u guys could provide me a list with actual machines on them too, so that I have an exact list of machines in the order I wanna do them cuz the first time when I went I had no idea what to use and when to use them and I was too confused and left fairly quickly so imma need to know exactly what I'm doing when I walk in, I wanna do legs one day, chest one day, core one day, and arms one day, but if thats a bad idea just lmk thanks guys.
@momthreepointoh I found a thin book by James "Jim" Atkinson that is a full year weightlifting program on Amazon. Im fat and am in poor shape but grabbed a cheap pre-workout and think the starting plan isnt too bad. I like the aspect of the phases in the book and the explanations behind what youre doing. I came to this community hoping to see if im doing it right but i like it so far. I personally need a routine and a paper notebook to log or my desire will evaporate.

Get your free trainer session there once you find a plan to check your form.

Good luck
@momthreepointoh Push, pull, legs is a very good routine

Push day: chest- bench, incline dumbell, cable flies. Shoulders- one hand dumbell shoulder press, lateral raises, front taises. Triceps- do whatever yuh like

Pull: back- lat pull down machine, seated rows, rope face pulls, deadlift/ bent rows. Bicep - hammer curls, zoltman curls, any close grip curl that is most comfortable.

Legs: quads- squat/hack squat, leg press, leg extentions. Hammies- leg curls, any rdl you like the most, hip thrust. Calves, weighted calf raises and a super set of a calf raise machine and body weight calf raises. Fucking killllllllerrrrr super set. Itll Make a grown man cry