Help, Im lost

@halle I had a little bit of trouble with gains at your age, it could have been related to testosterone levels.... but i was also starving myself half of the year and lifting with bad form....
@halle It's hard for me to comment on someone else's plan.... it looks pretty similar to the 5-day program i used to do and i don't see anything glaring there. I'm down to 2-3 days a week and i go full body each time (2-2.5hr!)

I can't say it enough though, form form form. Can i shrug my shoulders up and down while holding 80lb dumbells? Yes. But can I isolate and get that ideal perfect squeeze? No. So I'm seeing much much faster/better results using 55lb.

When younger, it was really easy for me to fall into the idea of having to go as heavy as possible with every lift. I've come to learn that if you sacrifice form and start using all of these other muscles and momentum to compensate, you're pretty much just wasting time...!
@halle How has your bf% and weight changed over this year? Did you really not progress in any lift? Did you take measurements of your body parts regularly? Did you workout consistently? What is your progression scheme?

Something to keep in mind is that the progression you write down in terms of number of reps you are able to do can be deceiving in the beginning, because you are changing your form (as you should while learning). And you could be doing your reps with slower excentric and with a bigger range of motion than when you started, making each rep more difficult.

Your routine looks fine though. Maybe you need a deload. You could try and see if you are suddenly much stronger two weeks after the deload week.
@mommajulesberry So you gained 1 pound in 8 months? That's not bulking. You have not been eating enough and this is impeding your progress. Not to mention, 100lbs is very light. 55kg bench at 100lbs is actually not bad. What is your sex and height?
@cnnsdc63 Provided he's not too lean, him not eating enough is not going to be the problem, but it's possible he's in a deficit. Either way, I've maintained my weight and progress on all my lifts after more than a year in almost every week maintaining my weight which is relatively lean.
@cnnsdc63 Male, 175cm, 72kg. I was skinny fat when i started so I was on maintenance since I had a lot of fat. I still have some fat left. I’d say about 17%