Help me out


New member
I m a college student,80 kg 171 cm male
In my college there is no nutritious food and i dont like it
I also go to gym
I do push pull leg workout and i just eant cuts and get ripped
Am i eating right plz guide me
7 :00 am run for 5km
Then comeback and drink whey protein shake
And then at 1 :00 am lunch very little at canteen
Then 5:00pm gym before that i eat 2 banans
After coming from gym i eat 100 g paneer raw as in hostel i have no option
Then at night i eat 6 boiled eggs ( 3 whole and 3 only white)
After that i take multivitamin tablet
Anyone tell if its ok or i need to modify and if modify then plz give the modifications
Plz help me out whether it is ok or not

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