Help me round out my routine


New member
I’m hoping this community can help me make sure I’m hitting everything at the right frequency. I moved to an apartment that has a gym about 6 months ago and have Frankensteined together a Push-Pull-Legs routine based on what I’ve seen linked in this subreddit. I have included a list of all available equipment in the bottom of this post so please if you have any suggestions keep those restraints in mind

As for reps and progress, I’m doing 4 sets of 8 reps for all exercises unless otherwise specified. I wanted to start there and adjust accordingly based on what I am feeling and seeing. I increase weight by ~5% as soon as I do two consecutive workouts where I complete all 4 sets with good form for all 8 reps. I could use some tips on other ways to think about doing more (i.e. going from 8 bicep curls to 12, then increase weight when I’m doing 4x12 no issue since 5% for me right now would be 1.25 lbs). Currently I workout 6 days/week - PushPullLegsPushPullLegsRest. Push and pull days are preceded by a 15 min jog warmup while leg days are preceded by a 20 min incline walk.

-machine chest press 4x8
-machine overhead press 4x8
-machine overhead rope tricep extension 4x8-10
-abdominal machine 4x8

-machine lat pull-downs 4x8 (recently started alternating wide grip with row handles so it’s 2 sets each, would love some feedback on this approach. Note that the machine only has the overhead cable location so it’s not a straight seated row)
-alternate machine chest flies and rear delt flies 4x8 of each
-dumbbell curls 4x8-10
-shoulder shrugs 4x10

-horizontal leg press 4x8
-machine leg extension 4x8
-machine seated leg curl 4x8
-abdominal machine 4x8
-machine back extension 4x8

As promised, here is a list of equipment available to me. You may have guessed by the routine I posted it’s mostly machines (all Cybex brand):

-bench (yes, one single bench)
-dumbbells up to 50 lbs
-medicine balls up to 30 lbs
-rowing machine
-recumbent bike
-tricep dip/back extension station
-pull down cables with rope, wide grip, short straight bar, and row handle attachments
-pec/rear delt fly machine
-curl machine
-chest press machine
-overhead press machine
-horizontal leg press
-leg extension machine
-leg curl machine
-abdominal machine
-back extension machine

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