Help moving forward with workouts


New member
Alrighty here we go. I do not know how to start so I will try.

I have been frustrated lately and I am looking for tips. Unfortunately 4-6 weeks ago I had a little hyperextension in my muscle (right shoulder/back muscle/rhomboid) due to improper squat technic which dragged my on my neck so it cracked and pulled the muscle. This was probably coming anyway due to me not doing certain exercises (Especially what Athlean X has show me) to be able to correct blown out shoulders etc (anything that could stretch stuff forward.

Anyway; That happened and despite that I still worked out. I did have more breaks and I have been deloading but all in all I have been pretty ok.

I did a 80 % of what I usually workout with "load workout" and I have now had planned at least 4 days straight off before I go back to normal program.

Here is where I need help. I want to progress, I want to become stronger but also bigger; the problem is I am natural and I might have hit my max in all things?

Please don't be a cunt and just actually help a fellow. I am 32 years old and I have done workouts my whole life from since I was 16 so if you think I am lying about anything or think fake natty etc etc then just stop now and move on, I actually need tips! :)

Here is me: I am about 5 feet 8 inches and have done a half ok cut for a while but now from Tuesday I am going hardcore. I want to keep most muscle mass as possible. I was 130 kg and now I am 125 kg. The scans at my doctors say that I have not lost muscle mass and I would like to keep going. I would like to be around 100 to 110 kg. I am very wide now and yes I got some padding I'm very muscular and would like to keep it that way.

Going into this cut this is my goal (which I believe most people do?)

Keep as much muscle as possible

Not rush it

Eat very clean

Shakes are ok

Get enough carbs

Usually I eat 6 times a day for about 180 to 250 protein with 500 carbs and about 100 gram of fat at most. I take my vitamins and some supplements etc. I would like to hit about 180 to 210 protein, perhaps around 200 carbs and 50 fat while on this cut.

I hear people can still get muscle and become stronger or at least stay the same on a cut program so that is what I want.

Be fully honest, I am natural and my program is this: PUSH PULL LEGS day off PUSH PULL and day off then legs pull push etc etc. I choose to do only those leg days because I naturally have good legs. I may come across like an asshole but I strongly believe due to comments outside of my ring of friends and from what I see myself after some experience that I am ok strong (not all lifts I can absolutely see my bench suck and a few other things) and my genetics of how much muscle I'm able to put on is quite high; but we all have something to learn hence why I come here. My grammar could be better.

My workouts are usually an hour to 90 min and the last three days now I went through probably 35 exercises in two hours...which is a little bit too much but it was before my rest days. I really need someone to set up a program for me... because with my OCD mental illness and all I am getting sick and tired of all these numbers and such. I know the body responds different but I just need someone to make up something new for me. Perhaps a program where I can fit in strength, hypertrophy and maybe 5x5 power and what not.

Here are some of my numbers I wrote down

Most should be pretty accurate except a few lifts perhaps 4 where I could not do a doorbell seated oh press because my plates were huge so I just did like 32 kg dumbbells' for 15 reps etc which would equal this and that number.

Man I am all over with this, I feel like I'm getting overwhelmed. I know just doinging the workout itself is best and not to overthink but I just need some guidance here. Also I do honestly believe I can push more kg on my deadlift and squat I am just afraid. My max deadlift from ground is like 150kg and my max squat bottom is like 160kg. While my 18inch deadlift is around 185 i think now. But I think I can oush more....

So to wrap it up here is what I want from you who want to help me:

A program or something to follow for a while

Tips of isolation exercises

Let me know if you do not understand my sheet and I will explain

Tell me if I can do 5x5 for a few exercises and then the rest hypertrophy or just powerstrengthandhypothrowy in one go?

What is best for hypotrophy because I been between 70 and 80 % of my max for those. Maybe go lighter?

Yeah just overall any guidance for motivation and being smart about things onward would be great.

Also I hate squats so much even with proper form because jesus christ that stuff is hard. I got this random total gym (I have weights, db, multigym etc im my garage) that I put about 120 kg on and I'm able to do reverse hack squat which mimics the squat so If I can do that instead please let me know.

Have a great day
@flelsfdc There’s almost exactly 0% chance you have maximised growth and strength. You’re not strong for your size, so loads of room to improve!
Get on an established programme like 5/3/1 BBB.
@quos I’ll argue that I’m pretty strong in some lifts if you look into my document. And for the other ones than I can agree. I look way stronger than I am but I’m also pretty strong when it comes to other things. Again; I’m pretty sure that I’m my mind holds me back when it comes to certain lifts. 55kg curl stric it’s a good lift when a guy on roids max was 60. What I’m saying is I’ll take some of your advice and some I won’t.