Help with a dumbbell upper lower split


New member
Advice for an upper lower dumbbell split routine

Hello, I’m trying to make a dumbbell workout routine with the upper lower split. I have quick adjustable dumbbells and I also have one of those basic cable pulley systems that hook onto the roof or something similar. I’ve made a base and wanted to get some advice on it:
Workout x sets
Bench pressx3
Incline bench x3
Dumbbell row (variations?) x 3
Bicep curl - tricep push down superset x3
Lat raise - rear felt dumbbell fly superset x3

Lower :
Goblet squat x3
Reverse lunges x3
Bulgarian split squat x3
Romanian dead lift x3
Standing calf raise x3
Shrugs x3 (in lower day to even lower time on upper day can change back if better)

I’m mostly not sure on the lower day as I don’t know if it covers all the bases it should. Also not sure on the very dumbbell row variations as I find it hard to feel late on them. I also haven’t included pull-ups on the upper day as I try to do 3 sets of pull ups every day in the morning.

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