Help with calisthenics workout?


New member
This is my current split

Alternating between 2 full body workouts every other day. I’ve been weights training for about a year and so there are some externally weighted exercises I’ve included which I find essential

Pike push ups,
Chin ups,
Push ups,
Nordic curls,
Pistol squats,
L-sit progressions,
Chest flies,
Lat raises

Pike push ups,
Pull ups,
Nordic curls,
Pistol squats,
L-sit progression,
Skull crushers,
Hammer curls

3 sets of each. I’ve run one cycle already and made progress but I’m almost certain this is too much volume, and am unsure where to lose some. Any help?
@greatbuss I re read that a couple times. You might not be getting enough volume or it might be too much frequency. Possibly both.

If I read right your going alternating so 4 days a week?

10-20 sets a muscle group is the recommended range but 12 sets would be the minimum so your getting minimum results and even then your using different exercises on different days which is good but you are training them again to soon because of your split style.

They are not only not recovering in time but they are also getting the minimum or lower range of weekly sets and volume.

Naturals dont get big either so. Watch out for dysmorphia lol.
@greatbuss You could alternate flies and push-ups as well as pike push-ups and lat raises on day 1.

And dips and skull crushers and nordic curls and pistol squats on day 2.

(Just looking where you can cut a little volume those exercises work similar muscle groups and 6 exercises in a workout is far more reasonable than 8).

If this needs further explication:

Day 1 (A version): pike push-ups, chin-ups, push-ups, nordic curls, pistol squats, L-sit progression

Day 2 (A version): pike push-ups, pull-ups, dips, nordic curls, L-sit progression, hammer curls

Day 1 (B version): pike push-ups, chin-ups, chest flies, nordic curls, pistol squats, lat raises

Day 2 (B version): pike push-ups, pull-ups, skull crushers, pistol squats, L-sit progression, hammer curls

Then you'd alternated between A and B version and Day 1 and Day 2, so it'd be like:

DAY 1 (A), rest, DAY 2 (A), rest, DAY 1 (B), rest, DAY 2 (B), rest. And repeat.

Just an option, hopefully you get some better advice later.

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