High Frequency Full Body Home Routine


New member
I'm in my early 30s, and have been working out since I was in my early 20s w/ varying success, experimenting w/ bro-splits, PPL, full body, upper-lower. I workout at home w/ a power tower, a few heavy DBs & KBs, a suspension trainer, and bands. I'm 5ft 8in. I started in my 20s at 156 lbs and got to about 205 lbs, but then my wife's good cooking and kids happened and I'm currently at a stubborn 230 lbs. My goal is to get back down to around 200 lbs. I have decent muscle mass already, so at this point in my life I'm training for strength & health/looking-good-naked rather than size

Frequency: Through trial and error I found full-body to be the best for me. As stated before, I'm married w/ 3 kids and I work a full-time job, so the traditional MWF pattern is impossible for me to follow, so I workout whenever I have the opportunity and take off days when needed or because of work or family obligations. Time is an issue as I train after work, so I prefer to keep my sessions 30 minutes or less.


Day 1

1a. Dips (usually weighted)

1b. Vertical Pull (usually chinups or pullups w/ ring handle attachments. Traditional pullups aggravate my biceps and elbows)

1c. Single-leg squat/lunge (I like weighted Bulgarian Split Squats, step-ups w/ knee drive, or endurance reverse lunges)
(3-5 rounds)

Day 2

1a. Pushup Variation

1b. Row Variation (Usually heavy DB rows or inverted rows)

1c. Bilateral Squat Variation (usually goblet squats or high rep air squats for endurance)
(3-5 rounds)

Day 3.

1a. Vertical Press (Usually 1 arm KB or DB OHP or HSPU progression)

1b. Hip Hinge (Usually 1-leg deadlifts or KB swings, but I'll do bw leg curls or 1-leg hip thrusts w/ a chair for variety)

1c. Hanging Leg Raise progression (trying for toes-to-bar) or a weighted pullover v-up, both work the pulldown motion of the back as well as the abs
(3-5 rounds)

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