High protein but not “healthy” tasting meal ideas?


New member
Struggling with keeping on track and meals. I typically enjoys more queso, chicken, pasta type meals. I’m 5’0 so I need about 1350 cal/day to stay in a deficit. What are your high protein go to meals that aren’t “healthy” tasting?
@faithshepard Check out this YouTube channel. Focuses on high protein meal preps that are lower in calories with lots of cheesy dishes. You can make a lot of "not healthy tasting" dishes with cheese by blending cottage cheese so it's smooth and then adding in a bit of shredded cheese to make it more calorie-friendly.
@faithshepard I made one of the Mac and cheeses (the buffalo one I think, but without the bacon.) They’re pretty tasty and I’m gonna make more. The only thing is that cottage cheese has a slightly different texture to a regular cheese sauce. It’s kind of drier, if that makes sense? But I’ll still gladly eat it.
@faithshepard I am also 5'0- its totally unfair that our cutting calories are so low. I typically make whatever I would eat if i wasnt in a deficit, but without carbs. ex: swap a ham and cheese sandwhich for a ham and cheese omlette