High Protein Red Curry 105g P | 214g C | 33g F| 27g Fiber


New member
Hey Vegan Fam!
My name is Chris and I am pretty new to this Vegan Fitness community on Reddit. I am active primarily on IG vegan community and looking to break into the YouTube community as well. I have been vegan for a year and just want to spread my knowledge with anyone who will listen. Enough about me!

To break me into this community I wanted to start by contributing and giving you guys one of my favorite recipes! I love red curry but the high fat from coconut cream really ruins it for me. This recipe has great macros and micros and could be easily split into multiple meals if you are not bulking. Anyways check out the recipe below and let me know what y'all think. And if you want more recipes let me know I have others that I will gladly post here for everyone to have! Thanks for having me in your community guys and girls!

1500 calories 105g P | 214g C | 33g F| 27g Fiber- this meal also has your entire daily need for Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium, Calcium, and Iron!

1 Bag California Blend Frozen Veggies

1 Pack A Taste Of Thai Red Curry Paste

1 Red Bell Pepper

1.25 cup unsweetened cashew Milk

182 g Nasoya Pressed Extra Firm Tofu

1/2 cup nutritonal yeast

1 tbsp imitation coconut extract

2 tbsp liquid aminos

1 tbsp brown sugar

1 cup brown rice

1/2 cup red quinoa

In medium pot prepare rice and quinoa together. (I usually cook like pasta in boiling water then drain to lower arsenic levels).

While rice and quinoa is cooking, in a large pan add package red curry paste and spread out across pan allowing to heat until fragrant. Add frozen veggies to pan and turn until coated with red curry paste. Stir in cashew milk and bring to a simmer. Dice Bell pepper and tofu and add along with the remainder of the ingredients and stir thoroughly. Done!

Hope everyone enjoys! I have plenty more recipes just like this one. Message me and we can chat about it!

@ninsh Welcome to the community! This recipe looks awesome. I’m a big fan of curry. Although personally I don’t mind the fatty creamy coconut milk 😋 never a bad idea to have alternatives though.
@dawn16 Thanks! I love the full flavor and creaminess of coconut cream for sure lol my abs do not appreciate it very much however lol.
@ninsh I'm also not a big fan of coconut cream, so I'd love to try this. Thanks for sharing! What quantity is "1 bag of california blend veggies"?

Also, I spent way too long staring at the list, dumbfounded that you forgot the lentils. Then I realized I had just assumed it was a lentil curry haha. Nice to see a tofu curry!