Home Workout Dilemma: How to Achieve Better Results?


New member
Good day, everyone. I'm seeking advice on how to make my routine more efficient for weight loss and muscle gain.

I have 20-25 minutes available every day for home training. I possess dumbbells with 6 x 5kg (11lbs), 4 x 2.5kg(2.5lbs), and 4 x 1.5kg(3.3lbs) disks.

A year ago, I started training using YouTube, similar to this video:

After approximately three months, I realized that it's challenging to consistently increase the dumbbell weight for such a routine. Using 20kg dumbbells in each hand makes it difficult to perform exercises with only 20 seconds of rest, as shown in this video.

Furthermore, I watched some videos and read Reddit, and I heard that weight training with heavy weights is more effective for weight loss and muscle gain than the HIIT routine in the video.

So, I switched to doing push-ups with dumbbells in a backpack for added resistance. Currently, I have 25kg on my back and perform 3 sets of 4-6 repetitions with 1 minute of rest between exercises for my chest, and 3 sets of 5 reps once a week for biceps and back.

However, I am still not satisfied with the results. It doesn't feel like I'm getting bigger or stronger, and I still have a small, annoying belly. (Let's exclude diet problem from this equation - I know my food might be better, but for now I want to adjust my training).

So, I'm seeking some help. How can I make my training more efficient?