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4 Day Split over 9-10 Days

Is this 4 Day split fine?

Day 1:Chest,Biceps
Day 2:Back,Triceps
Day 3:Shoulders
Day 4:Legs
Day 5:Chest,Biceps
Day 6:Back,Triceps
Day 7:Rest(Sunday)
Day 8:Shoulders
Day 9:Legs

I try do most of my sets till failure but I might have 1-2 RIR sometimes.I will(and still) hit:
6-8 Sets(6-10 Reps)for Chest,Back and Shoulders
4-6 Sets(6-10 Reps) for Triceps and Biceps


This way I will hit all the muscle groups 2x over a period of 9-10 days(if i take another rest day or smth).Currently I am running Arnold Split(Chest/Back,Shoulder/Arms,Legs) but with this I am hitting all muscle groups 2x per week except legs(1x per week).

So how is this split?

Also need advice on leg day,currently doing these exercises on a leg day:

Leg Extension:3 Sets for 8-10+ Reps
Leg Curl:3 Sets for 8+ Reps
Leg Press:3 Sets for 10-12 Reps
Calf Press(on Leg Press):3-4 Sets for 12+ Reps
@kellydest Literally just do PPL Rest PPL, instead of just doing a day of shoulders that’s just a wasted day you don’t need much for shoulders to grow anyways. Also where are the squats for leg day? Those should be the main excerise for quads and anything else that hits quads is a accessory towards it
@kellydest No leg press isn’t an alternative. There isn’t any alternative to squat, it’s the best exercise for the legs. Hack squat, pendelum squat and leg press all are accessories and shouldn’t be the main lift. Also if ur scared just do the squat with a barbell and slowly gain weight as u get confident. Look up a video on how to barbell squat if u don’t know.