How do I stop my ribs from being visible?


New member
I (M13) have been going to the gym for some time and have gained muscle particularly in the upper back. However my ribcage is visble and I can't quite get that V-taper because of how it sticks out. If it helps I'm 5'9, 58.1kg/128lbs, and have a bodyfat% of 10.3% according to a beaten up scale that is older than I am. Do I need to put more of an emphasis on my lower back or is it another muscle that needs help?
@grammyj I wasn’t able to gain weight or keep muscle until probably 19/20. No amount of eating would help either.

You’re 13 my friend. You’ll get ripped eventually.
@remy1812 You can gain weight in a calorie surplus, you burn more calories at a younger age but it is definitely possible to gain weight. If you want to maximize muscle gain get a gram of protein per pound of target weight
@grammyj Wtf my mom still worries about my eating after 28 years of being alive and anytime i visit asks if I'm hungry like every hour on the hour.

Also from your stats it sounds like you have potentially for being pretty jacked provided you stay on track. Dont worry about your ribs becuase at 10% you just see a lot of definition anyway. Focus on dumbbell pullovers and training things like front lever and planche, so at least your ribs will be covered by the serratus anterior muscles on them.
@grammyj Your 13 and your mom will not let you eat more ? That a crappy thing for a mom to do. As a mom of 4 kids I’m always feeding them. Please explain to your mom that your a growing boy and need to eat more to keep up with your training plus growth spurts.
@grammyj Maybe strenthening your internal obliques could help?
Activating them will pull the lower ribs in. Not saying you should go around bracing your core all the time.

And remember you are just starting puberty, your hormones will change and with them how your body grows. Give it time and enjoy the body you have now and what it can do.
@grammyj Eating more is the only way. Start trying to count your calories and then add on 500 until you see a slight weight gain. Obviously do it in a healthy way of good nutritional foods. Dont go eating 2kg of chocolate to gain the weight
@grammyj ive seen your replies saying your mum wont let you eat more, try and buy some frozen berries or any thing you can blend, bananas, milk or icecream, and some protein powder and make a smoothie a day and that should help you gain some weight with a pretty dense ‘snack’ that you can say to your mum. also keep it up at the gym and you should see steady progress : )