How do you convert a body-building diet vegan? Especially if you count macros!


New member
I'm having a really hard time converting diets to vegan diets when it comes to loosing weight and gaining muscle. I find Hunter Hobbs's videos and his "The Normal Person's Guide to Shred" book really helpful, but since approach is not vegan, I can't follow his dietary advices.

I'm 165 (5'5'') and I weigh 63.5 kg (140 lbs). Basically, I want to build muscle and get shredded, but I have a hard time finding a vegan diet that helps my bulking.

I know, I know there isn't a universal diet for everyone. But since I have dyscalculia ("math dyslexia", a disability resulting in difficulty learning or comprehending arithmetic), I have a really hard time counting macros (or anythings to be honest). So, I am looking for a vegan diet that is more or less "ready-to-use", something that just needs some adjusting to my weight.

Might somebody please help me? I would be really thankful, as I've been searching the internet for advice, but I couldn't find anything that I would understand.


P.S. I do understand the basics that for maintenance, so I know that, roughly, I need"

• 1 g of protein/lb of body-weight/day

• 2 g of carbs/lb of body-weight/day

• 0.4 g of fat/lb of body-weight/day,

but I have a hard time preparing vegan meals (let alone 3 meals a day!) that give me enough calories per day.
@andysam Brian Turner is a popular vegan body builder. I watch him on YouTube but you can also find him on other social media. He puts out 'What i eat in a day" videos for his bulking and cutting phases. Really great channel!!! Hope this helps 🙏
@andysam Nimai Delgado is a vegan bodybuilder and shares a lot of his meals.
If you’re not wanting to count macros and you’re focused on bulking, there’s tons of high protein vegan foods. I use chickpea rice, lentil pastas... tofu is a great source.
Just make sure each meal is centered around protein.
To add to this he co runs an insta account called vegan fitness meals and it’s also a great place to go!