How many calories and protein should I eat a day as a 5’5 116 ibs female?


New member
I'm on a mission to achieve a leaner physique. Currently, I lift weights 4-5 times a week, but I'm struggling with the nutritional aspect of my journey.

I’m "skinny fat", I'm unsure about whether I should focus on eating more or less, and whether I should aim to gain or lose weight.

Could anyone provide guidance on how many calories and grams of protein I should be consuming daily to support my weightlifting routine while also aiming for a leaner appearance? Any tips or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated.
@alisamiam You are the lower end of the healthy weight for your height I guess. Don't go for a deficit. Instead either go for maintenance (i.e recomp) or a slight surplus (100-200). 1g per pound of bodyweight of protein is a good point to start at. If you aren't use to a very high protein diet, too much of it can be tough to digest all of a sudden. Aim for 116 to 120 gms per day. Have a balanced fibre, carbs and fat intake.