How many sets per workout for ppl x arnold


New member
I recently wanted to try ppl x Arnold workout, but I don't know how many sets per workout could anyone tell me if this is okay?

Monday Push
2x Incline dumbbell
2x flat bench
2x high to low flies

2x Shoulder press
2x lateral raise

2x tricpe pushdown
2x Jm press

Tuesday Pull
2x Pulldown
3x Barbell Rows
3x Facepull

2x Preacher Curls
2x Flat bar curls

Wednesday legs
3x squats
3x hack squat
3x Leg extension

2x Seated hamstring
2x laying hamstring

Thursday Rest

Friday Chest And back

2x Incline dumbbell
2x flat bench
2x high to low flies

2x Pulldown
3x Barbell row
3x Facepull

Saturday Arms and shoulders

2x Preacher Curl
2x Flat bar curls

2x tricep pushdown
2x jm press

2x Shoulder press
2x lateral raise.

All sets are done to Failure