How much should I rest after intense training?


New member
I’m a semi-beginner to fitness, just because I have ridiculous on and off periods where I workout really hard for a month then don’t for three. I’m planning on training/working out a lot from now until before my youth police academy starts, which is in about three weeks. I will be taking regular rest days, about one a week. Should I take a day of rest or two days of rest before the academy actually starts?

Also, since I’m following my own workout plan, how do I know if my workout plan is too much/too little?

Edit: thanks for all the advice! I think I’m gonna workout every other day with consistent rest days and amp it up to 5 days a week the week before my police academy. I’ll rest for two days before the actual thing.

P.S. I’m not lifting weights, just doing bodyweight stuff. Thought that would be worth mentioning.
@prodigio One month on - three months off is very sporadic training and makes you a beginner. Working out requires consistency and you won’t be making much of a difference in three weeks. I have no idea how intensive youth police academy training might be but I would take several days of rest right before starting. Rest up, eat up

Don’t make up your own routine. Pick one of the proven beginner routines found in the wiki linked by the bot
since I’m following my own workout plan, how do I know if my workout plan is too much/too little?

Unless you are quite experienced or have done a ton of research - you won't know.

It sounds like you are making the rookie mistake (I did the same starting out) of going at it too hard out of the gate in a bid to change, then getting burnt out or just fed up of it.

2-3 or at the most 4 days a week training is plenty (especially for a beginner or restarting), much more sustainable and less overwhelming. If you start to thoroughly enjoy it, you can always gradually add in more in later.

Recovery is just as important as the training.

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