How should I split my leg day into 2 days? Plus any other input :)


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I’m a 21 y/o woman (and college student which is why my schedule is a bit weird). I currently do a one hour Zumba class 3 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) for cardio and as a warm up, power yoga on Mondays, upper body and core on Tuesdays (I do very little weighted upper body on purpose), rest Wednesday, lower body Pilates on thursday, rest Friday and Saturday, and yoga and leg day on Sunday. I’ve noticed that my legs take longer than I’d like to recover after Sunday, so I’d like to split my leg day into Sunday and Thursday (this would replace lower body Pilates on Thursday). I currently do cable abductions, b stance RDLs, sumo dumbbell deadlifts, hip thrusts, and cable kickbacks. I’d also like to add glute targeted leg press to this. I do three sets of everything, with 10-12 reps. If I’m splitting this into two days, what would be most efficient for growing my glutes and adequate rest. Also if you have any other general input I’m all ears.
@charlesagrit Not really tbh. I’m happy with how my legs look as they are. They are actually quite strong considering I don’t work them beyond day to day life and full body stuff like Zumba and yoga. Also ik those things may not be the “target” for a lot of my leg day workouts, but they definitely still get some work in from them. Especially hammies.
@airotciv7 Gotcha. I’d probably split it into

Day 1: Hip Thrusts, B Stance RDLS, and Cable Abductions

Day 2: Glute Targeted Leg Press (personally I like a front foot elevated split squat in lieu of a leg press, but that’s just me), Sumo Dumbbell Deadlift, and Cable Kickbacks

I’d consider adding in a lying hamstring curl variant, as you have plenty of lengthened position hamstring work. Including a shortened position exercise will round off your hamstring development nicely.

Good luck!
@airotciv7 i would likely just rip the leg days from /r/strongcurves programs on the wiki.

or in general more heavy compound movements that you can imagine yourself moving 30-50% more weight on in due time. and some lower rep range work which will generate a ton of mechanical tension for hypertrophy.

if i had a gun to my head id just do 3 full body days with a bit lower volume and a tiny sprinkle of upper work on each.



hip thrust (6-8 reps)

incline dumbbell press superset with lat biased one arm dumbbell row or pulldowns/pullups

glute leg press

hanging leg raises
seated abduction machine (easier to overload imo) or cable


rdl (6-8 reps)

paused barbell squat (6-8 reps)

seated dumbbell shoulder press superset with seated curls

cable crunches

heavy abduction machine (6-10 reps) superset with adductor machine


barbell squat (6-8 reps)

45deg back extensions with dumbbell (8-10 reps)

flat barbell or dumbbell bench superset with bent over rows or pulldowns/pullups

b stance rdls

heavy weighted situps

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