How to boost metabolism when you’re in your mid-twenties


New member
Help! I’ve tried a lot of methods to lose weight: low carb, calorie deficit, strength training, and cardio. But nothing worked.

I (F25) started focusing on my weight loss journey when I reached 75 kg. For context: my height is 5’4. I also have a regular period and don’t have any other health conditions (AFAIK) other than occasional heartburn.

Ang workout split ko naman: Monday- Quads and Glutes, Tuesday- Cardio, Chest and triceps, Wednesday- Hams and Glutes, Thursday- Cardio, Back and biceps, Friday- Cardio, and Saturday- Whole body

For my diet: 1,200-1,500 calories per day.

Four months have passed, and I still haven’t lost any weight. What should I do? I feel desperate since it’s expensive to buy new clothes because almost nothing fits me, and I’m starting to have insecurities about my body, especially my large belly.

Please, don’t bash or body shame me.

(EDIT: I just remembered. I was diagnosed late last year with a fatty liver. Not sure if isa siya sa factor kung bat nahihirapan din akong magpapayat)
@michaellin If you're not losing weight then your calorie tracking is severely off or your technical execution might be wrong.

How do you exactly make sure that you're eating what you say you are.

If you have enough energy to do those workouts I can almost guarantee you're eating more than you think. Eating 1200 cals a day(a legitimate 1200) means you won't have energy to do anything else.
@tony2468 I’m using myfitnesspal app to track my calorie intake. And I usually skip breakfast and eat at lunch, pre-workout and post-workout.

For my workout, I would do 4-5 exercises.

But you might also be right, I might be counting my calorie intake wrong.
@tony2468 I don’t. I’m sorry but I don’t know how to subtract my activity or the calories burned.

If I’m having breakfast, I eat rice thrice a day. If not, twice a day. Viand is usually home cooked. But for my snacks or pre-workout, I’d opt for street food such as kwek-kwek, cheese sticks, and the like.
@michaellin Good. You're not supposed to subtract.

Still trying to see where you're possibly making a wrong step

Do you weigh your food? My fitness pal is horrible with tracking Filipino food.

This is what 1500 calories look like for some people

2 boiled eggs
50g kimchi

Medium banana

80g lean meat
90g cooked rice
50-80g vegetables

Whey 25g

Intra workout
Carb powder 40g

100g lean meat
90g cooked rice
59-80g Vegetables
@michaellin Rice 3x a day (180g ea) 700 cals
Ulam assuming 250 cals per day 750 cals
Snacks lets say 300

Total 1750

1 egg + 2pcs of regular TJ hotdog is already 270cals. Without oil. 400 if may mantika assuming its 1tbsp

Sooooo if 400 cals mo per ulam, its 1200cals

2100 total calories

Hirap talaga bawasan kain lalo na kung 1500 per day ka.

I'd suggest just keep on doing your workouts. Hit your protein. Eventually mas tataas calorie requirement mo if youre building muscle and getting active.

Its a slow process, but if there is no way of changing lifestyle choices, this is the way.

Kung gusto mo tlga bumilis progress mo, ayan ideas how many cals you might be consuming. Based on your example, i think you can hit 1500 if u remove snacking.
@leonine5 Thank you for this. Sa rice intake ko naman, I make sure na 100g lang kinakain ko per meal. Yung rice ko ay yung jaguar na meron ng nutrition facts sa likod.

I’ll take note sa pag keep ng workout ko and pagtaas ng protein intake ko. I noticed kasi na di ako naglolose ng weight pero yung muscles ko is nagiging visible and nagpprogressive overload din ako.