How to turn this 4 Day Workout Plan into a 5 Day workout plan. Please Help!


New member
Day 1
  1. Bench Press
4x10, 8, 6, 4
  1. Incline Bench Press
3x8, 6, 4
  1. Cable Tricep Pushdowns
3x8, 6, 4
  1. Chest Flyes
3x8, 6, 4
  1. Cable Kickbacks
3x10, 8, 6 pro Arm

Tri Set:

A Dips

3x 15-20

B Floor Hex Press


C Pushups holding dumbell

3x Max

Day 2

Barbell Rows

4×10, 8, 6, 4
  1. Alternating Dumbbell Curls
3x8, 6, 4 Per Arm
  1. Wide Grip Pulldowns
3×8, 6, 4
  1. Hammer Curls
3x8, 6, 4
  1. Barbell Shrugs
3x8, 6. 4
  1. Pull Ups
3x Max


A. Chin Ups


B. Kettlebell Deadlift


C. Wide-Close Pushups

3x Max

Day 3

Standing Barbell Overhead Press

4×10, 8, 6, 4
  1. Upright Rows
3×8, 6, 4
  1. Rear Delt Raises Cable
3×8, 6, 4
  1. Cable lateral raises
3x10, 8, 6
  1. Arnold press
3x8, 6, 4


A. Bent Over Lateral Raises


B. Dumbbell Front Raises


C. Push Ups

3x Max

Day 4


4×10, 8, 6, 4

Seated Calf Raises

3×10, 8, 6

Hamstring Curls

3×10, 8, 6

Leg Extensions

3×10, 8, 6


A. Bulgarian Split Squats

3×6 Per Leg

B. Weighted Step Ups

3×6 Per Leg

C. Alternating Pistol Squats

3x Max
@ron103 Why do you want to train five days, instead of four? Regardless, you will find proper strength programs on the wiki. Most of them are three- and four day templates, but some, like Nsuns LP, are five day programs. These programs are proven by countless trainees, and account for load- and fatigue management, progression and exercise selection. GL

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