How's my workout routine?


New member
Hello! I am a beginner at strength training. I browsed the internet a lot (videos/articles etc.) and put together this routine for myself. I work out at my home (with limited equipment) and each of these workouts takes me 1.5 hours on average. I feel that this might a little too much, but I am worried about skipping muscles if I reduce this. I am describing it here along with sets, reps and the weight I used last for each exercise. So please, tell me what you think of it, nice people at r/workouts.

Male, age 23, 176 cm, 61 kg

  • Monday: PUSH A
  1. Barbell bench press: 3x6 with 35 kgs and rest 180s
  2. Barbell military press: 3x5 with 30 kgs and rest 180s
  3. Barbell incline bench press: 3x6 with 25 kgs and rest 180s
  4. Dumbbell lateral raise: 3x12 with 5 kgs each arm and rest 90s
  • Tuesday: PULL A
  1. Barbell deadlift: 3x6 with 40 kgs and rest 180s
  2. Barbell bent-over rows: 3x6 with 35 kgs and rest 180s
  3. Chin ups: 3x3 and rest 90s
  4. Dumbbell high pulls: 3x8 with 7 kgs each arm and rest 90s (this exercise is from AthleanX)
  • Wednesday: LEGS
  1. Barbell squat: 3x10 with 30 kgs and rest 120s
  2. Reverse hyper on flat bench: 3x10 with 15 kgs and rest 90s (exercise from Jefit app)
  3. Dumbbell rear lunge: 3x12 without weights and rest 90s
  4. Hamstring bridge: 3x10 and rest 90s (from AthleanX)
  5. Standing calf raise: 3x25 with 30 kgs and rest 90s
  • Thursday: PUSH B
  1. Barbell bench press: 3x6 with 35 kgs and rest 180s
  2. Barbell sitting shoulder press: 3x5 with 30 kgs and rest 180s
  3. Barbell close-grip bench press: 3x6 with 30 kgs and rest 180s
  4. Dumbbell tricep kickback: 3x12 with 10 kgs and rest 90s
  • Friday: PULL B
  1. Snatch grip deadlift: 3x6 with 40 kgs and rest 180s
  2. Dumbbell alternate gorilla row: 3x6 with 20 kgs and rest 180s
  3. Chin ups: 3x3 and rest 90s
  4. Barbell bicep curls: 3x8 with 20 kgs and rest 90s
  • Saturday: CARDIO
  1. Steady state running on the treadmill for close to an hour
So, is there any way to reduce the time required for these workouts without compromising on quality? Here's the equipment I have at home:
  • A bar (5 kg) which can hold a maximum of 45 kgs
  • A few Weight plates
  • Adjustable dumbbell rods (hold maximum 20 kgs each)
  • A bench with decline and incline, though the incline is at a stupid angle and difficult to work with
I cannot do a lot of weight on the squats for example because I do not have a squat rack. So please keep these limitations in mind.

Any comments are appreciated. Thanks a lot!

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