I’m a 5’8 male 135 lbs with average strength and i want to go into a calorie deficit and workout with a 30 lbs kettlebell

@adotiln Don't do a deficit, you may think you look like you need to but you don't, trust me just eat more food (not shitty food like fast food or sweets) but rice and steak, chicken and such but then again your 14, do sports go to school and be active and you will get more lean,
@adotiln Not sure if you know this big dog, but that would literally be the worst time to go into a deficient. That’s when your body is producing its max amount of hormones, and when you gain muscle the fastest. If anything, you should be eating a shit ton, not dieting.
@adotiln I don't work with kettlebells much, so I can't help you there. Honestly, if you can ask your parents or make some money to buy dumbbells, you can do a lot more with them. With anything you do, always do slow and controlled exercises. If anything, look up Jeff Nippard or Renaissance Periodization on YouTube; they have amazing workout tips for free, lol.
@adotiln That was me back in my teens (I’m 40 now). You need to eat as much (good food) as you can. Lots of protein (powder, lean meats, milk, and beans) will help you grow your muscles and get stronger.
@adotiln This is my height and weight, albeit I'm female. I look lean AF, w/ well defined muscle and abs. I'd avoid a deficit and focus on strength / weights. It won't take long till you're looking defined. You'll probably end up eating more. Good luuccckkk

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