I’m a female, 5”5 at 139, i’m the heaviest i’ve ever been, how do I put off the weight and build muscle?


New member
i am used to weighing 113-125 but over the past three months my eating got out of hand. i’ve been walking on three treadmill for an hour everyday since monday, at 3.2mph, i increase by one every two days, and i couldn’t workout saturday and sunday because of work. i have also been doing over 50 jumping jacks a day, squats, lunges, and trying my best to do push-ups and sit-ups.

i struggle the most with push ups and sit ups. when i first started my fitness journey, i could only do two sit-ups and zero pushups. now i’m at 8 consecutive sit-ups and three push-ups. but, i need these to be higher numbers. in a year and a half i will be going to the police academy and mine requires we do 15 push-ups in a minutes for females, and 32 sit-ups in a minute. i need to conquer this before going obviously and would like to keep practicing so i can do even more than the required amount.

any tips and advice? i’ve been trying to eat more protein but i can’t seem to stop being hungry throughout the day. i eat an avocado sandwhich every morning with my morning coffee, then for lunch i’ll either eat soup or make another sandwich, and for supper it varies but there’s always a meat, mostly chicken or beef. and for snacks, i go to protein energy bites or boiled peanuts, because they’re low on calories and carbs, but a lot of sodium. idk what i’m doing wrong? i GAINED a pound this week from when i started last monday, i went from 138 to 139. my pants don’t fit me anymore, i have to squeeze into them. and i’ve lost my abs, it’s just kinda flabby. and i HATE my legs, i think they’re too big.

i guess my question is, what advice can you guys give me and what am i doing wrong or right? what can i add or take away? and how do i accomplish doing more push-ups and sit-ups?

also, i workout at home since i don’t have a gym near by. at home i have a treadmill (no incline option), a bench press, and basically my body for the rest. idk if this makes a difference but i thought i’d share what’s at my disposal. thank you!
@jc_superstar Generally speaking, the best way to increase the reps is to... Do more. Sounds stupid simple, but that's the basics. Not only will it help with strength, but it helps with muscle memory/form as well.

Some other randome tips from someone who has always struggled with situps, and was in the military:

-FORM. Check the acadamy's regulations for form, and make sure you do your reps TO STANDARD when working out. It helps train the muscles to move in certain ways.

-WEAKNESS. Find your weak spots. Star with low weight/high reps at first to get form down, and see what muscles give out first. For example, it was always my hip-flexors/lower abs. I could run like a gazelle, do crunches all day, but full situps kicked my ass. So try to identify the weakness, and you can tweak your workout to hit those muscles extra hard.
For example, if your shoulders are the weak spot for the pushup, try more inclined pushups/overhead presses. If triceps, go for foaming pushups/dips. And on and on.

As for losing FAT (because that's more important than losing weight in this case), it's generally calories in/calories out. What I started doing was doing some tracking on a basic app. Usually the free version is enough for basic counting like this. You'll likely be hungry until your body adapts to the lower food intake... But if you do smaller meals you can spread them out. Or like me, I have a small breakfast and light lunch with a slightly bigger dinner (for recovery during sleep), and two snacks during the day - about a half-cup of fat-free greek yogurt.

Hope this helps, and good luck!
@cmdrspock this helped a lot! the form for my testing area is literally just someone holding your feet while you sit up, the only stipulation is your hands may never leave your head, they can be anywhere on the head, they just can’t leave it.

and the real thing i’m going to struggle with here is the diet. i get easily hungry and light headed if i eat less than i normally do, but i’m determined and WILL lose this FAT and build my muscle so i can do way more push-ups and sit-ups then required. i’m ready for this journey and i’m committed.

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