I’m so upset…


New member
Girlies…I’ve been choking down sickly sweet electrolytes every morning for two years during my workouts and hating it. So I finally bit the bullet and ordered LMNT and I’m PISSED about how much I like it. FFS I’m going to go broke 😂😂😂

(not sponsored I swear. But LMNT please hmu)
@ebarnes I’m not sure how they compare, but I’ve developed a major love for coconut water as a great source of electrolytes post workout! Costco sells them in bulk and it isn’t breaking the bank!
@ebarnes Hahaha I hear you it took me many many attempts trying different brands until I found one I liked. There are some NASTY ones out there! I don’t even know why the taste varies so much across brands! Costco’s so far is my favorite, super easy to drink, light in flavor, and really refreshing! A close second is Vita Coco, but Kirkland brand is better. I get it if it’s not your taste though haha
@ebarnes My husband and I have a whole line in our budget (and a shelf of our pantry) dedicated to protein supplements/running hydration products. It's crazy. But in a way it's investing in your health and preventing medical bills later on because it encourages you to work out and focus on your fitness!
@alincoboy It depends on how much you sweat - if you don’t sweat a lot then you don’t need electrolytes! I run 40 MPW and sweat like crazy after even just two minutes of activity, so I will faint if I don’t drink electrolytes during/after my runs lol.
@alincoboy I think it's unnecessary. The level of activity required to deplete a meaningful level of electrolytes is waayyyy more than most people will ever achieve
@alincoboy It’s the new(ish) fad. Unless you do long and extreme workouts causing massive sweating,, it’s highly unlikely you need a specialty electrolyte drink. Most people would do fine with a banana and water plus a pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of orange. The electrolyte packets are just one more thing to buy. And if you really want to do them, LMNT had a recipe for their formula on their site.
@topolski18 Well….actually. A few reasons. I run and lift 6 days a week and my baseline steps per day is close to 10k without running (urban dweller). Electrolytes are not just about salt, they have potassium and magnesium. While I could have a banana, salt, and whatever else, I don’t necessarily want the calories, and it’s just easier to pick up a packet…which I can travel with.

It’s really helped with fluid retention. Also I’m very prone to migraines, and 1 packet a day has basically knocked them out. Considering they were 3 day ragers, I’ll pay the price to eliminate a big trigger.

I think the big factor is how much salt is in your diet, and how much you excrete during activity. I don’t really sweat a lot, but I could end up with a visible layer of salt/minerals on my skin.
@ebarnes Be mindful with LMNT! I also loved it and was drinking 1x day for about 5 months, when I started to have blood pressure issues and electrolyte imbalances. The salt content is very high, especially if you’re not a heavy sweater. It may be more than you need. It sucks because I really did enjoy it but it was too much for my body and I’ve since had to switch to a much lower concentrated mix.
@rockhopper72 Yes and despite many people thinking of themselves as star athletes, they’re not and don’t need the fluid replacements a professional soccer player needs during a game 🤷🏾‍♀️
@topolski18 Yeah, again, a lot of it has to do with how much you sweat and the composition. I don’t sweat a ton, but my sweat runs very very salty.

So far it’s working for me.