I’ve been in a Plateau for the past four months.. what do I do?


New member
I’m 5ft 27F and I’ve been following the same schedule since the beginning of the year I started at 148 and I’m down to a fluctuating weight of 140 to 144. In the beginning I was actually losing weight but now I’ve been stuck at this weight for the past four months. I follow a M/W/F workout schedule with full body strength training plus cardio on T/T. My calorie intake ranges from 1200 to 1300 (I got this using the smart app Macro factor) Monday through Friday and on the weekends I don’t count calories. I’m always aiming to get at least 10 K steps throughout the week and on the weekends I aim for five k because it’s much more relaxed for me. I’ve taken pictures to see if there’s a difference but I don’t see any and I’ve also taken measurements and I’ve only lost .5in on my waist. Is there any advice anyone can offer for me to get out of this plateau?

Ps. I am going to a doctor soon to see if this is a medical issue but just wanted to ask for any advice from people who’ve went through the same issue have used.

Thank you I’m advance!
@jharnack People often self sabotage by consuming too many calories on weekends without realizing. Are you eating enough protein every day, even on weekends?

Switching up your workouts could also help. Do you increase weight, reps, sets? Have you been getting stronger?
@baptistbiblebeliever I try to watch what I eat on the weekends but max calories will be 1600-2000 and that’s on a heavy day. I have increased in weight on DL but it’s been adding like 5lb over the course of 3-4 weeks, I don’t think I’m eating enough protein on the weekends tho, I think it’s mostly carbs. I have increased in getting to my first pull up tho. I started with 8secs on a negative and now I’m up to 25secs and I can almost do a full pull up!
@jharnack This is a tough place to be because you’re close to a healthy weight. I’d aim to add cardio on strength training days (even if it’s only 30min) you’re not burning much lifting weights

“Much more relaxed on weekends” kept me at the same weight for almost a year. 😬 finally I had to give it my all because our small frames there just isn’t a lot of wiggle room when we’re in a deficit.
@dawn16 I agree! I don’t hate my weight I honestly just want to lose like 5-10lbs lol. I think it’s the weekends that are messing with me, I’m trying to do a fun activity like tennis on sat but I haven’t been consistence with it!
@jharnack I’m 5’2 and 130 and there is a big difference in 10 lbs at our height. I had to push hard to get there but glad I did. Not sure if you can find my post by going to my profile but I’m 130 now from 176 and those last 10lbs were a b

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