I can’t gain muscle??


New member
I’m 22m and I’ve been trying to gain muscle in my bi’s tri’s chest, the whole deal. I’ve been working out, going to the gym 5 days a week(2 years now), except when finals season comes around. I’ve been trying to get a stable and consistent protein intake, I’ve asked friends and gym goers to give me the best forms, and I’m also a swimmer, but for some reason I’ve made no progress whatsoever. It’s a bummer when I see people start, and a month or two in, they’ve made more progress than me. I’d really want to know if I’m missing something, have I not taken something into consideration? What do I add or omit and what should I correct. I’d really love the help!
  1. Do you workout using compound exercises?
  2. Are you in a calorie surplus?
  3. Do you train with hypertrophy in mind?
  4. Do you hit every muscle group at least 2 a week?
  5. Do you incorporate progressive overload?
  6. Is your diet rich in anabolic foods?
  7. Do you have an actual plan?
  8. Do you track progress?
  9. Do you have a fast metabolism?
  10. Are you consistent?
  11. Do you get enough sleep?
  12. Do you allow your body to recover?
@soldierofgodsarmy Not everyone can get big, well at least without PED’s. You can take your body to it’s natural limits with using compound exercises like bench, squats and deadlifts. Let these exercises be the staples of your training using isolating exercises as supplementals. Along with high quality protein like red meats, and salmon and clean carbs. Don’t forget about sleep and recovery. With all three you will have the perfect trifecta and be on your way to gain muscle in no time.
@gospelofgracetv Oh yeah, what would you tell my friend who has a super fast metabolism that has been training for years and doing everything right. Don’t get me wrong he’s a lot bigger than he use to be but an average person wouldn’t consider him to be big? What should he do? Please let me know I’ll tell him.

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