I don't understand S&S strength standards

@khohanguc Do not mistake the miles stone for a starting KB weight. I suggest you start with 16kg if it is too heavy go for 14kg. Simple is the word used for the weight you “own” this means the simple will be moving with your progress. Sinister will be the next weight up, we usually go up 4kg at a time. So you will be using at first only 16kg for example, 6 weeks in you will introduce the 20kg for only 20% of your sets. And so it goes. I think you will be doing the 24kg in about 8 months! Keep at it don’t over think!
@khohanguc Just going to point out - that if you’re doing a bunch of calisthenics then the progression and volume of Simple and Sinister might not be as effective. It’s really meant to be a standalone program.
@darcia Is it ? I always tought of it as an add-on because of how minimalistic it is. I'm doing Calisthenics Movement "complete calisthenics" program and started before S&S. The way I do it is I do calisthenics 3x a week and S&S 6x, so I have days where I only do S&S and on the calisthenics days I do S&S at the end. The lack of any pressing movement or squat means made me really see S&S as an "add-on on top of your program " really. I think Pavel talks about how it shouldn't take everything out of you and even firemen and construction workers should be able to do it in the morning then go do their physical work.
@khohanguc It is not meant to be a standalone program. It's quite literally gpp work for athletes and is stated in the book. You are doing great - keep pursuing the path you've set up. Maybe even start trying out clean and press and doubles
@ant0099 Thanks a lot 🙏 I am already doing presses (I do them instead of the pike push-ups of my cali program). I do have cleans in mind for the near future. Just want to complete a timed S&S with 20kg first.
@khohanguc there is something magical about it...try it and you'll find out!

There's another Pavel- Pavel Macek who's probably close to your size, who's written a lot about achieving Simple, then Sinister as major challenges for him. google him and you can find....
@khohanguc Why not just get bigger and stronger instead of wasting all your goddamn energy whining about pavel's standard since you care so damn much about it.

Look, weight classes exist in sport because they're meant to be fun, and conpetitive. If shit in the real world pops off for real, the world isnt going to care what your weight class is.
@khohanguc It’s standards for the masses and the simple minded.

Kettlebells are great if you don’t care or already know how to train. I love them personally. But for the vast majority of people, especially those starting out, go get a personal trainer for a few months.

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