I need a routine for a V-Taper


New member
I’m 15 years old, 6’2 and weigh around 200+ pounds. I’m chubby and want to slim down all the while gaining muscle. I have some experience in the gym as I did work out during the pandemic but stopped when classes came back.

What I’m aiming to get is a V-Taper since I’m working out for aesthetics, can someone give me a good routine to achieve this?
@brotherian I just skimmed your profile do you only have kettle bell work outs? Do you have smith machine or power rack one . I just bought one today. Now trying to find a good 6 day a week routine for it
@dimetx Check out the latest video I posted today on my YouTube channel. It’s an upper body workout where I use a barbell in a rack for some of the workouts. I work with all types of equipment, the routines I put together can be performed with various types of equipments as well