I need help deciphering a pyramid training plan from my coach


New member
I have tried so hard to understand what this means, I am a little scared to ask so I wanted to see if anyone on here could help me out.
Here it is:

Jumping jacksx20
Sumo squats x10
Plank shoulder tapsx10
Pushups x10
Spidermans x10/side
Pyramid Structure:
30s ex. 1/30s rest
30s ex. 1/30s ex. 2/30s r
30s ex. 1/30s ex. 2/30s ex. 3/30s r
30s ex. 1/30s ex. 2/30s ex. 3/30s ex. 4/30s r
30s ex. 1/30s ex. 2/30s ex. 3/30s ex. 4/30s ex. 5/30s r
30s ex. 1/30s ex. 2/30s ex. 3/30s ex. 4/30s ex. 5/30s ex. 6/30s r
30s ex. 1/30s ex. 2/30s ex. 3/30s ex. 4/30s ex. 5/30s ex. 6/30s ex. 7/30s r
30s ex. 1/30s ex. 2/30s ex. 3/30s ex. 4/30s ex. 5/30s ex. 6/30s ex. 7/30s ex. 8
2’ r
30s ex. 8/30s ex. 7/30s ex. 6/30s ex. 5/30s ex. 4/30s ex. 3/30s ex. 2/30s ex. 1/30s r
30s ex. 8/30s ex. 7/30s ex. 6/30s ex. 5/30s ex. 4/30s ex. 3/30s ex. 2/30s r
30s ex. 8/30s ex. 7/30s ex. 6/30s ex. 5/30s ex. 4/30s ex. 3/30s r
30s ex. 8/30s ex. 7/30s ex. 6/30s ex. 5/30s ex. 4/30s r
30s ex. 8/30s ex. 7/30s ex. 6/30s ex. 5/30s r
30s ex. 8/30s ex. 7/30s ex. 6/30s r
30s ex. 8/30s ex. 7/30s r
30s ex. 8/30s rest
Strength Pyramid:
1. Quick step ups
2. Pushups
3. Russian twists
4. Box jumps
5. Burpees with a pushup
6. Bench dips
7. High knees
8. Archer squats
Core Pyramid:
1. Windshield wipers
2. Reverse crunches
3. Bicycle crunches
4. Mt climbers
5. Plank
@katara So my best guess is that you're doing the moves in increasing intervals. Like, do 30 seconds of push ups, rest 30 seconds. Then do a minute of push ups, rest 30 seconds, and so on. I think.

Don't be scared to ask. This is your body and your training we're taking about.
@adviceplease Looking at it, it's:
  1. 30s quick stepups, rest 30s;
  2. 30s quick stepups, 30s pushups, rest 30s;
  3. 30s quick stepups, 30s pushups, 30s russian twists, 30s rest;
The peak is step 8 which has 2 minutes of the Core Pyramid (assuming 30s per exercise there). It's really poorly written out though as they've combined two workouts on the same line (first instance of 8 is archer squats).