I need help fixing my workout routines


New member
I'm 14 years old, and i made my own workout for strangth training and the goal being body recomposition. I'm very confused and lost at where I am and how to make a good workout routine.

Monday (chest, shoulders) (felt biceps) (keep)
12 reps Dumbbell chest flies x 3
12 reps Push ups x 2 (b)
10 reps overhead press x 2 (b)
10 reps Dumbbell bench press x 3 (b)
12 reps push ups x 3
12 reps standindDumbbell flyes x 3
12 reps Shoulder push outs x 3

Tuesday legs,abs (nw)
20 reps Squats x 4
30 reps lunges x 3
20 reps squats x 3
(1 min Plank x 3)
25 reps Bicycle crunches x 3
25 reps Scissor kicks x 3
15 reps russian twists x 3

Wednesday resf

Tursday triep, forearms
15 reps standing or siting tricep extensions x 4
20 reps Tricep push downs x 3
15 reps lying tricep extensions x 3
15 reps Behind the back curls x 2
12 forearm hammercurls x 2
10 reps Reverse curls x 2

Friday Back, bicep
12 reps bent over Dumbbell curls x 4
12 reps Dumbbell rows x 3
12 reps lat pulldowns x 4
(12 reps Dumbbell shrug x 3) might remove
12 reps Dumbbell rows x 3

Saturday idk

Sunday rest

I don't know how to inprove my workouts. I have a home gym with a bowflex machine and lots of weights. Please help me